Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 30, 2018

July is towards ending already

Tetiba emo sorang2. July is over. I have 5 more months befor year 2019. So many plans yet to be achieve.. Daughter is going to standard 1. I am still thinking whether should she attend the islamic school if looking at the brother's behaviour. When i asked her she said she wants to go. So how lah. Kesian..if we opt for private i must make sure they attend those classes. Sbb kena byr kan monthly. :(

Lookig at zayyan sleeping, can he survive being at school by next year? He is soooo clingy..even my parents pun dia tak nak sgt. How la? :( huhu.. Let then time decide ke? We just do what we have to do la kot..

To genting highland

A very short planning. Decided to go on sunday morning. Daddy stressed and want to go for  a stroll.hahaha.. At first ingt nak cari dress zara jugak tp takde kat sana. So kita just sight seeing. Sweater for kids mmg dah bwk. Ours takde. Tapi dkt atas tu mmg dah terasa sejuk sket la. Especially after the cable car. When we are up there, kids complaining telinga tak dpt dgr. Pekak. Tak dgr suara. Bla..bla..bla.. Sian diorang. Nak explain tak reti. So we asked them to drink lots of water. Bam lagi, siap curah air dlm telinga dia nk bagi elok. Sooo cute. Zayyan first time to tempat sejuk and tinggi. Dia mcm cry sket dlm cable car tu. Maybe sbb telinga tak dgr apa2. Hehe... :) love u all kids. Will terribly miss all the moments like this.. :(

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Kneepad for zayyan

Finally i bought two diff types of the kneepad for him. Tapi next week lah sampai nya kan sbb dah weekend. Nowadays ppl said poslaju dah tak poslaju. It took smp 5 days pulak. Hurmm.. Ye ke? Sbb dah overloaded kot online posting ni.

Kids to the playground

Quite a hot day. Was thinking to bring my kids at the playground and yes finally it did happened. But we went to the one near my mum's house so after that kita blk rumah my mum terus. Parents were a bit worried so they dropped by at the field before we make our move there. Comel. My mum even said and asked kat klang tu takde org jahat ke. I was like eh eh. All the place if ikutkan kena extra careful nowadays. Mana2 pun. Risau kita lah. Kadang2 anak kita ni ada yg terleka. Bahaya tau. Mintak2 dijauhkan itu semua dan semoga anak2 ku dalam rahmatNya. Ameen. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Pagi pagi dah post

Bukan apa. While waiting for my turn to shower. Husband is in the bathroom. Son went off to school already. Wanted to go for a walk at the stadium but looking at the weather it looks like it is going to rain. See how la. If not nak kemas bilik today. Lipat kain yg bnyk itu. Hopefully dpt siap. Harini mcm malas masak. Nak tapau lauk je lah. Masak nasi. Nnt nk try beli cam kat food panda tu. :)

Catching up with friends

Its been such a long time tak jumpa diorang ni. Lama sgt. Actually tak tau nak jumpa bila. Nak invite dtg rumah mcm malas. So the 1st one we went to her house. Alang2 dia baru beranak. So visit sekali anak dia lah. The second jumpa dkt mall. Brought zayyan along. Ok excited semua. He behaved. Just on the way back tak tau apa yg jem teruk kt roundabout kayangan tu. Uishh.. If tau i potong jalan lain lah. Almost 40 min stuck situ. Zayyan cried already. Lps je jem tu stop take 5 jap kat petronas. Get back his mood pastu start journey balik. Bukan gossipping or membawang ke. Hahaha. More or less cerita pasal diri sendiri, future plans and throwback zaman muda mudi. Hehehe... :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Puasa 6

Raya is officially over. Tapi kita sad sket abb dpt buat puasa 6 tu sehari je. Huhu. Mcm x larat sangat lah. Takpe. Lepas ni kita try buat puasa ganti di bulan lain he. Inshaallah. :)

Bam food poisoning

As usual, after so many days postponing to post, i will have soo many topics and issues to blog about. By the time i write this i may forget another issue to blog.

The latest one is about my eldest son. Baru recovering from food poisoning. Seminggu MC. Muntak & cirit. First time kena. If gastric penah kena. Sian dia. Sampai melolong sakit sakit perut. Tapi tu lah eegil. Suruh mkn ubat tak nak. Suruh makan bubur tak nak. Nak ikut dia je. Pak kang baru tau. Challenging btol anak boy ni. Masak tak sechallenge itu. Ya allah. Sampai termenangis kita time mandi. Sbb nak settle dia sorang. Kena extra force sket. Nasib lagi dua ok. Boleh lah paham. And kdg2 ada x paham jugak. Puncanya salah makan lah tu. Dengan raya open houses, pastu timing dia makan. Sibuk nak main game. Bila time makan,makan merapu. Makan keropok. Mana tak marah. Bila i marah mula lah dia cakap. Suka ati babam lah. Biar perut babam sakit. Elehh.. Pastu cebik je panjang. Geramm and funny semua pun ada. Hurmmm...

Alhamdulillah recovering. And now dah start nak noti balik. Tu tak nak ni tak nak. Gigit baru tau. Dah bedal makan durian. Risau betol la kita. Pastu cebik. :(

Towards the end of the week, i pulak mula rasa pelik kat perut. Beyak lembik and sakit perut. Adushh.. Kita tengok dulu. Tapi alhamdulillah semua ok rasanya. Kena kurangkan benda yg pedas kejap.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Ok. Dah new month already

Hahaha.. Kira kira ingat still in june but nope we are at 1st july already. Been coping with things pretty busy since school startes after raya holidays. Woosshh.. Mcm cepat nya time moved on. Started my puasa 6 journey. Hopefully it will come to an end sbb i dah period. Hahaha.. Recap this week. Busy dgn school nye raya celebration, report card day,zayyan feverish, bwk mum check up, open house, and alhamdulillah managed to do all of it. Dengan ada rasa bengang lah. Marah lah. Stress lah. Hadoiii.. Hehehe

Btw, bam's bday celebration this year pun best sbb atok & tokmak ikut sekali join the crowd..  Love u bam!