Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Catching up with friends

Its been such a long time tak jumpa diorang ni. Lama sgt. Actually tak tau nak jumpa bila. Nak invite dtg rumah mcm malas. So the 1st one we went to her house. Alang2 dia baru beranak. So visit sekali anak dia lah. The second jumpa dkt mall. Brought zayyan along. Ok excited semua. He behaved. Just on the way back tak tau apa yg jem teruk kt roundabout kayangan tu. Uishh.. If tau i potong jalan lain lah. Almost 40 min stuck situ. Zayyan cried already. Lps je jem tu stop take 5 jap kat petronas. Get back his mood pastu start journey balik. Bukan gossipping or membawang ke. Hahaha. More or less cerita pasal diri sendiri, future plans and throwback zaman muda mudi. Hehehe... :)

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