Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Ok. Dah new month already

Hahaha.. Kira kira ingat still in june but nope we are at 1st july already. Been coping with things pretty busy since school startes after raya holidays. Woosshh.. Mcm cepat nya time moved on. Started my puasa 6 journey. Hopefully it will come to an end sbb i dah period. Hahaha.. Recap this week. Busy dgn school nye raya celebration, report card day,zayyan feverish, bwk mum check up, open house, and alhamdulillah managed to do all of it. Dengan ada rasa bengang lah. Marah lah. Stress lah. Hadoiii.. Hehehe

Btw, bam's bday celebration this year pun best sbb atok & tokmak ikut sekali join the crowd..  Love u bam!

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