Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Almost a week, mummy is not fully recovered

Yep! Hari tu rasa mcm rindu sgt kt husband time tak sihat. Pastu mcm2 benda negative keep on appearing kt my mind that makes me sad. Apa lahh.. :( bored with the body feelings. I ada times mcm lost. Mcm asik nak tido je. Boring lah. Husband told me to go to see doctor again tp i said takyah. Let me fight with my own antibody. And give it back to the weekends.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mummy is down with flu, cough & fever

Yes its true. Weak sgt kita rasa. Husband away. Kita mcm sad sgt. :( dah pegi check doctor. Doc said biasa je. Virus. Jangkitan. Huhu. So bertabahlah mummy. :(

Late post - melaka trip

At first mmg plan to stop by makan nan pak putra. Last2 husband ckp kita stay sini satu malam lagi lah. Kids was like seronoklah dia.. tp takde pool. Just to rest aje. Mlm tu lepas mkn roti nan, bwk kids naik river cruise. Si zara katanya tak penah naik. The last time we went there when she was 2 yo rasanya. Syian dia. Hope she enjoyed the ride. Angin dia buat orang ngantuk include zayyan. Lepas tu kita lunch kt tepi warong before exit ayer keroh. Boleh tahan food dia. Semua makan around 15 include air. Pastu make our move back to klg.

Smp klg , kita terus pegi dobi sbb weather tak menentu. Malas nak tggu lama2 so kita send dry terus. Balik terus lipat and simpan dlm almari. At least tak bnyk sgt kain kotor nak cuci kan. :)

End of our long trip.

Late post - desaru trip

It started a very last minute. The place we wanted to go is full on the date we decided to go. So we chose another date that is still available. And alhamdulillah we secured 3 days 2 nights stay ar Sand & Sandal, Desaru. Open air concept. The reception was a lil bit slow include the housekeeping coz we arrived at 4.15 and nearly 5 baru dapat check in. Ok wow! The room was nice. Got bath up outside at the balcony. Btw, we bought the bubble balls to put in the tub. Enjoyed ourselves so far. The pool and the sea semuanya best sgt. Laut soo beautiful. Angin. Tp cannot play long coz it was raining. Despite of raining, kids and other hotel guests pun continue playing.. malam dinner sedap dekat firefly restaurant. It was by the river. Jauh ke dalam nak pegi sana. Tp ramai org. Hubby took the package for rm70 include tomyam, sotong, sayur, fish and 2 juices. Kids order air lain..kenyang betol. Hehehe.. :) the next day, breakfast was all good. Food dia boleh tahan. As usual, i take nasi lemak tp it taste biasa. Daddy belanja latte for mummy. Mekacih. Hehehe.. :) after that swing by the pool and sea again. Kids really enjoyed themselves there.. smp almost 12 baru naik sbb tak panas sgt. Then kenyangkan kids, our turn to get in the tub. Syok. Hubby ckp kita berdengkur. Ternap pulak. Hehe.. selesa kot. Almost 2 baru kuar pegi lunch sambil pegi laundry. Mkn nasi mcm biasa. Pastu petang pool balik. Smp senja. Mlm dinner kfc je. Tapau mkn kt dlm bilik. Kenyang. Tomorrow another journey back home.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

When the kids get alltogether

Hadoiiii..hari ni mmg extra tired. Sometimes time noon kita nak jugak nap ke apa. But when the kids semua ada sini, rimas pun ada. Nak itu nak ini. Patut tadika kejap je. 3 jam. Hopefully other parties tu be sensitive with other people's conditions. Sometimes kita pun serba salah. Bila buat mcm tu katanya kita tak reti jaga budak. If compare org lain, lagi teruk. :(

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Rasa a bit weird

Donno lah. Maybe it is just my feelings. Sometimes wonder btol ke apa i buat ni. Hadoii.. Kesian kids. Love u all so much. To daddy , sorry mummy isnt that good in helping u out. Tolong sket2 je lah :)

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Its been a while dah lama tak selfie dengan kids especially bam

Hahaha. Too cute :)

Selamat hari kemerdekaan yg ke 61

Wishing my country selamat hari merdeka ke 61. Wanted to see the fireworks tapi kids dah tido awal. At last kita pun tido sekali. Husband je keluar pegi jalan. Beli seluar katanya. Hurmm oklah..