Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Late post - melaka trip

At first mmg plan to stop by makan nan pak putra. Last2 husband ckp kita stay sini satu malam lagi lah. Kids was like seronoklah dia.. tp takde pool. Just to rest aje. Mlm tu lepas mkn roti nan, bwk kids naik river cruise. Si zara katanya tak penah naik. The last time we went there when she was 2 yo rasanya. Syian dia. Hope she enjoyed the ride. Angin dia buat orang ngantuk include zayyan. Lepas tu kita lunch kt tepi warong before exit ayer keroh. Boleh tahan food dia. Semua makan around 15 include air. Pastu make our move back to klg.

Smp klg , kita terus pegi dobi sbb weather tak menentu. Malas nak tggu lama2 so kita send dry terus. Balik terus lipat and simpan dlm almari. At least tak bnyk sgt kain kotor nak cuci kan. :)

End of our long trip.

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