Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Late post - desaru trip

It started a very last minute. The place we wanted to go is full on the date we decided to go. So we chose another date that is still available. And alhamdulillah we secured 3 days 2 nights stay ar Sand & Sandal, Desaru. Open air concept. The reception was a lil bit slow include the housekeeping coz we arrived at 4.15 and nearly 5 baru dapat check in. Ok wow! The room was nice. Got bath up outside at the balcony. Btw, we bought the bubble balls to put in the tub. Enjoyed ourselves so far. The pool and the sea semuanya best sgt. Laut soo beautiful. Angin. Tp cannot play long coz it was raining. Despite of raining, kids and other hotel guests pun continue playing.. malam dinner sedap dekat firefly restaurant. It was by the river. Jauh ke dalam nak pegi sana. Tp ramai org. Hubby took the package for rm70 include tomyam, sotong, sayur, fish and 2 juices. Kids order air lain..kenyang betol. Hehehe.. :) the next day, breakfast was all good. Food dia boleh tahan. As usual, i take nasi lemak tp it taste biasa. Daddy belanja latte for mummy. Mekacih. Hehehe.. :) after that swing by the pool and sea again. Kids really enjoyed themselves there.. smp almost 12 baru naik sbb tak panas sgt. Then kenyangkan kids, our turn to get in the tub. Syok. Hubby ckp kita berdengkur. Ternap pulak. Hehe.. selesa kot. Almost 2 baru kuar pegi lunch sambil pegi laundry. Mkn nasi mcm biasa. Pastu petang pool balik. Smp senja. Mlm dinner kfc je. Tapau mkn kt dlm bilik. Kenyang. Tomorrow another journey back home.

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