Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Mid of the week

My birthday has past for 10 days or more. But it is still november. Still my birthday month. :) semoga dipanjangkan umur & dimurahkan rezeki. What have been ups and downs in my life?

Zafran finished exam already. Partial papers gotten back and some are not. Waiting for the report card day this friday. To ask his teacher on his tips what kind of exercises to be given to him. Si comel sulung ni. Manjaa.. Ohh yes his tupai tooth came out last week..so dah ngongak sekarang. Hehehe.. Nnt kita tuition lagi ye bang. Mummy loves u.

Zara currently feverish. Maybe sbb rindu daddy dia. Medicines dah amik and inshaallah she will be fine. Just kool fever dah hbs. Tadi lupa nak beli kat sana.. Where? We went to buy zara baju kurung for graduation.. Tp dia mula2 nk mcm dress lah kebaya lah. So i said kita beli yang ni dulu lah. Baru yg lain2. Luckily dia faham and agree. Her concert and graduation day fall next week. Tu lah go and prepare her things. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan. Aminn.. :)

Zayyan now getting much more smarter and cuter. Tapi takleh mummy hilang sekejap. Mesti dah nangis lalak. Daddy said clingy.. Started to mentioning few worda at his language lah. To continue speak in english with him.

Love u to the moon and back. Sayang sgt2.

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