Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 28, 2019

Quite difficult to do spring clean

Hurmm.. sebab bila nak buang it was like alahh sayangnyaaa kat dia. Mcm mana eh? If buang dah takleh jumpa lagi. :( well, i did try to do the cleaning up things. Sayang sayang pun buat je lah

Neck & shoulder pain

Having for a week. Quite annoyed. Took panadol at last coz it limits my movement. Alhamdulillah it went well. Slowly become ease tapi have to do lots of stretching especially baru bangun dari tido. Another week of husband out for work. Got that one day tu rasa mcm i dont want to be here in klang and i dont want to be there in shah alam. I want to be in the middle. Well lets do this baby. Inshaallah.

Monday, January 21, 2019

RIP to hubby’s Albert & Koko

was a surprised and shocked news for me. Coz albert was down by a phyton and Koko the female sickness. The 1st breed of the the chicken was bought bu daddy back then when zara was like zayyan’s age. 1 year plus plus. Now she is going to be 7. So meaning the ayams all is around that age.  Rest in peace ayam. I was a bit sad with albert. Tak expect pun. And now kena extra careful sbb ada snake around in the bushes. Been informing the kids never to go around the bushes all. Sangat sangat bahaya. :( btw, maybe we are going to bela ayam jugak nnt.

Half way past 2019

alhamdulillah it went well towards mid of the year. A lot for me and kids need to adapt and catch up. Quite strict on the timing this time since zara is already in primary 1. She is so cute as last friday she said she wants mummy to pick her up after school. Adter pakcik pick her up a bit late. Cries and get ppl to call me to pick her up. Sian dia. Maybe friday only i fetch her. As she got tasmik class. For zafran on off going to sekolah agama. Sekejap ok sekejap tak nak. Kesian dia. What to do yah. Kata penat. Ada time i boleh flow , ada te tak boleh. And for zayyan ikut je lah mummy pegi mana pun. And busy with his doraemon school bag. Love u all so much.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A week in 2019

So fast time passes by. And now baru berkesempatan nak blog kejap. Alhamdulillah dah one week dalam year 2019. My daughter pun dah start standard one. The first few days tu mcm tirying a bit. Nak check her classes, recess time and ahamdulillah went well. Today je ada hiccups sket sbb dia balik tak tggu acik kat tmpt sepatutnya. Big brother gigi dah patah dua2 depan. Comel. Like drunken master. Heheh. Ni demam pulak. Given his medication already. If by the time i bangun esok subuh still demam dia cuti lah sekolah. Suka lah tu. tp nk kena pesan takleh merayau. Baby zayyan ok je. Ikut lah mummy kesana sini. Tinggal kang melalak pulak. Smp naik sunburn sket muka dia. Hehe. Takpe lah yann teman mummy. I do feel a bit lonely when kak la went to proper primary school. Guess sbb dia girl. Dia bnyk ada dgn i. Compare abg. Dia tu boy. Mmg bnyk main and kat luar. That is the difference between anak girl and boy kot. Yg kecik ni berkepit je lah keje dia. Sekarang perangai baru, bila kena marah sket mulalah nak tertonggeng baring tak kira kat mana, kat situ jugak lah. Even atas karpet lap kaki. And kak la mmg suka menyakat adik dia tu. mulut lapan dah kwan. :) alahai anak mommy. Sayang semuanya. Love u alls a lot. Semoga sentiasa dlm peliharanya. Ameen.