Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 21, 2019

Half way past 2019

alhamdulillah it went well towards mid of the year. A lot for me and kids need to adapt and catch up. Quite strict on the timing this time since zara is already in primary 1. She is so cute as last friday she said she wants mummy to pick her up after school. Adter pakcik pick her up a bit late. Cries and get ppl to call me to pick her up. Sian dia. Maybe friday only i fetch her. As she got tasmik class. For zafran on off going to sekolah agama. Sekejap ok sekejap tak nak. Kesian dia. What to do yah. Kata penat. Ada time i boleh flow , ada te tak boleh. And for zayyan ikut je lah mummy pegi mana pun. And busy with his doraemon school bag. Love u all so much.

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