Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mee koloK

dah lama betol kot tak makan mee kolok ni smp dah lupa rasa dia mcm mana. Last was like 15 years ago. Hahaha. Sedapp jugak. That is the food for my dinner. Tp rasanya nnt kena topup dgn something else towards malam. :) well thanx leff for the meal.

Zayyan demam

My youngest demam, flu and cough. Sian dia. Today went to see his paed at the hospital where he was born. Lucky takde neb. Risau jugak sbb he is still young. First time for him to consume medicine. Melalak jugak lah tadi. Smp tak nak masuk dalam hospital tu balik. Adoii. Last2 pujuk baru boleh masuk. Pancing tgk ikan dgn toy room. Doctor said tekak merah sket. Tu yg demam. Bnyk kena minum plain water dia ni. Sian dia. :) inshaallah get well soon manja boy.

Abang’s sports day

congratulations babam machitom. Upon earning gold medal for 4x50m running for standard 3. Pastu belanja makan nasi + ayam goreng + milo ice. Kenyang lah tu. nect day cuti good friday. Dapat lah rest dia tu. inshaallah next year kita tengok abang’s sports day lagi ye. :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Selamat Hari Raya to me!

Alhamdulillah. Habis dah ganti puasa for last year’s ramadhan. Inshaallah ready for the upcoming ramadhan. :) challenge is my youngest, weather, and i am sooo sleepy . Smp bam ckp mummy ni kalau puasa semua pun tak larat. Hehehe... biasa lah tu bang.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Zara’s standard 1 sports day

hanaha. Dia masuk acara sukaneka of course. Pastu kata masuk acara larian tapi at last tgk main sep2 tepi pasu bunga dgn her classmates. Tapi oklah still dapat medal. Hahaha. Pastu weolls ni tak larat dah. She ask us to stay til habis semua event tp zayyan dah duduk duduk cru. Sian dia. A bit bahang at the school tapi weather tak panas sgt. Even though ada rain kejap pagi tadi. Persembahan selingan banyak pulak kan. Ye lah as far as i can remember mmg mcm tu. sekolah all girls ada bnyk persembahan selingan. That includes the cheerleading competition. :) btw, congratsss ala tut tut. 

2 more days to go

Alhamdulillah. Lagi 2 hari nak ganti. Planning this coming khamis n next monday. If x kuatkan semangat mesti mcm malas nk puasa kan. Anyways since ramadhan is coming, elok je ganti dulu at least boleh test perut dulu. Husband nak join tapi takleh sbb he is going somewhere for work.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

4 years of being housewife

yup. Still breathing. Alhamdulillah. It is the 4th year after i have put down my resignation for the rest of my life to become a full time housewife. So much challenge in the first place whereby ppl tend to look negative at u for not earning any other income anymore. Ppl look down at u coz u just sitting at home wasting time and money. Ppl look down on u like u got nothing else better to do. Ppl look down on u when u dont cook instead of buying. Sometimes i do feel doubt when they say they support u but in the end u felt like u was all alone fighting the emotions. To tell people and share i feel is a no no thing sbb nnt it become stories to other families merebak rebak. Smp yg tak relate dgn i pun boleh tau all the stories. Sometimes ada rasa am i turning like my mum? Mcm tak suka sgt publisiti. Biar nak duduk je diam2 buat hal sendri. Hurmm.. despite all these years being a housewife i have a greatest gift which is my youngest son. Zayyan. Which i call him ayyan or just yan. When i think back of to start working back i actually feel kesian kat dia ni. How i actually took care of him from dia small until now dah 18 months. Alhamdulillah. Dah macam2 variety kepandaian dia ni. Latest edition is climbing up the tv table and the study table which is taller than him. Scared of him falling down. It is scary man. My two elder ones dah pandai lagi take care adik kecik even though ada times rasa geram sgt kat dia ni. Hadoii tp yelah they are still kids though. Boleh rely jugak lah. Ada time sama naik je tiga2 kecik condt ni. Gigit sorang2 baru tau. Love u all so much! :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Salam israq mikraj

sekolah agama closed for one day. Meaning my kids cuti sekolah pagi sorang sekolah petang sorang. Rehat la diorang sket. Inclusive mummy as well. Hehehe. Selamat beristirehat. :)

Annoyed feelings

maybe it is just me. Dont really like it. Sonetimes rasa mcm x tau nak cerita kt sape. Mcm if i cerita i rasa nnt semua org pun nak tau. Being busy. :) hehehe.

Bukan lah. Ada times i rasa like ppl do take advantage of a housewife mcm u lan housewife. Ada banyak masa. Even like a simple piece of rubbish pun takleh buang dlm tong sampah. Secawan pun takleh cuci. Ift really helps a lot when u do that. Kadang2 kita saja biarkan sbb malas nak layan. Haishh.. we may have the time but please dont forget we do not stop looking after our kids lepas they sleep.

Another thing is. I have a grown up baby. 19 months to be exactly. Dia ni dah macam2 kepandaian. Climbing up the table dah mmg. Even the table drawer he can climb and sit on the table. I wonder how he can do that. Soo cute. :)

Monday, April 1, 2019

Hello april first

1st quarter 2019 has gone by. Alhamdulillah. Today i managed to ganti puasa another day. And now makes me left with four days. If ok lagi inshaallah thursday puasa lagi lah. :) kids started schooling after a week break. Lucky today’s weather is nice. Windy and not too hot. I sleep a lot. Morning and in the afternoon. Husband is away to sabah this time. Well at least not three weeks straight. I dah mcm nak sedih ok. :( mcm sedih teruk. Inshaallah i managed to do fine over here. Takecare dear husband. Love u!