Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Annoyed feelings

maybe it is just me. Dont really like it. Sonetimes rasa mcm x tau nak cerita kt sape. Mcm if i cerita i rasa nnt semua org pun nak tau. Being busy. :) hehehe.

Bukan lah. Ada times i rasa like ppl do take advantage of a housewife mcm u lan housewife. Ada banyak masa. Even like a simple piece of rubbish pun takleh buang dlm tong sampah. Secawan pun takleh cuci. Ift really helps a lot when u do that. Kadang2 kita saja biarkan sbb malas nak layan. Haishh.. we may have the time but please dont forget we do not stop looking after our kids lepas they sleep.

Another thing is. I have a grown up baby. 19 months to be exactly. Dia ni dah macam2 kepandaian. Climbing up the table dah mmg. Even the table drawer he can climb and sit on the table. I wonder how he can do that. Soo cute. :)

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