Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 6, 2019

4 years of being housewife

yup. Still breathing. Alhamdulillah. It is the 4th year after i have put down my resignation for the rest of my life to become a full time housewife. So much challenge in the first place whereby ppl tend to look negative at u for not earning any other income anymore. Ppl look down at u coz u just sitting at home wasting time and money. Ppl look down on u like u got nothing else better to do. Ppl look down on u when u dont cook instead of buying. Sometimes i do feel doubt when they say they support u but in the end u felt like u was all alone fighting the emotions. To tell people and share i feel is a no no thing sbb nnt it become stories to other families merebak rebak. Smp yg tak relate dgn i pun boleh tau all the stories. Sometimes ada rasa am i turning like my mum? Mcm tak suka sgt publisiti. Biar nak duduk je diam2 buat hal sendri. Hurmm.. despite all these years being a housewife i have a greatest gift which is my youngest son. Zayyan. Which i call him ayyan or just yan. When i think back of to start working back i actually feel kesian kat dia ni. How i actually took care of him from dia small until now dah 18 months. Alhamdulillah. Dah macam2 variety kepandaian dia ni. Latest edition is climbing up the tv table and the study table which is taller than him. Scared of him falling down. It is scary man. My two elder ones dah pandai lagi take care adik kecik even though ada times rasa geram sgt kat dia ni. Hadoii tp yelah they are still kids though. Boleh rely jugak lah. Ada time sama naik je tiga2 kecik condt ni. Gigit sorang2 baru tau. Love u all so much! :)

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