Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 28, 2019

Janda baik trip

It was husband’s wish to take his mother for a holiday trip. So at first dia ingat nak pegi PD tapi because of dingdong dingdong over the time, so it was all fully booked. So we ended up here in janda baik. And lastly his two younger brothers and wife pun ikut join sekali. The chalet not that bad. Oklah untuk bermalam. Sungai dia pun mmg not bad. A different view and surroundings compare to the sea (of course). Well kids enjoyed themselves. And hopefully MIL is happy with the short trip.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

So many typo error

Typing fast using handphone without checking it back and straight away post it meaning banyaknya typo error. Not that my fingers are getting fatter but its true right. Nak cepat so that is the cost. Type dah la panjang berjela. Haha. Pastu salah type. While typing this pun dah banyak error kan shim. Hahaha. :) oklah cuba untuk nak takde typo error. Good luck!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Zayyan snap picture

Ok here is funny. Dah pandai snap picture by himself and the picture he took is his toys that daddy just bought for him. Cute kan? Hehehe. Love u too tembam!

My mum berpantun pulak

Hahah.. yes i know she is very kind and nice. And siap berpantun malam tadi. So this morning i replied to her with some simple pantun too. Enjoy!!

Another weekend

Not a simple weekend. Quite tirying coz we had the kemas kemas habuk and susun balik things in our room on saturday plus kemas2 kotak toys which hd to throw few things yang dah patah. And to keep zara’s barbie inside the proper box. Cant have our own space yet so still need to make space for her toys as well so she can find it easy to take. Sayang dia so much. Sometimes i tau i banyak marah dia over simple things like tak tutup pintu toilet when she do business, kelam kabut when she sees things that amused her until she can hurt herself, too worried over things and too scared even to go to toilet when we are not in the same room. Why is that so? Kind of worried about it. It is not good to have that lind of feelings. Meaning she dont even feel secure when she is at home. Sometimes that things got me upset and angry and ended up i scolded her. Kesian dia. Yes i know. She is just 7 years old. Everyday i prayed and say sorry to her when i feel that i scolded her teruk2. I am sorry lala tut tut. Love u very much!!

Zafran on the other hand lately ni banyak sangat main phone. Either my phone and daddy’s phone which makes me upset too. (Upset again?) hahaha.. so yesterday he do double reading english and bm and yes there is still more progress to be done tapi alhamdulillah he is coping well. Congrats and keep up the good work. Mummy loves u too!!

For my little one zayyan or beeyan or beetan , now dah pandai extra sket. Like doing the fake laugh and laugh until he can shake his whole body like it is damn funny. Still learning to talk and layely new word “oh boy” which sounds cute. And most used word “ni” hahahaha. Love u too munchkin!!!

Mummy will always pray for the three of u. Including daddy. Take care daddy. I know u are the other side of the state. So do your work well. I will try at my end here to do what i can. Love u too!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Football club for zafran

after many times searching for a suitable one finally daddy agreed to enrol him at the football club for kids between 6-12 yo. But with certain conditions whereby he cannot simply skip school. At first was just thought of enrolling my son tapi ended up cousins dia pun join sekali. I was like ada the same thoughts as my son kita nak diversify nak kenal crowd baru tapi pusing2 the same crowd balik. So as my husband said takyah nak semak think bout that all let it be. Biarje lah. So here i am setting my mind with biarlah and teaching my heart the same too. :)

Btw, here are the few photos of my son during classes and during first friendly match. Well, i am proud of u son. Mummy loves u very much.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Its a birthday month of my husband

Alhamdulillah another year went by for husband and he is turning 36 this year. Semoga panjang unur and murah rezeki. I tak de order cake mahal mahal. Delivery je. Maybe nect year can try from somewhere else pulak ye. Hehe. Love u yang! I tau kadang2 i ada marah disagree  or tak sure apa demgan u tapi on top of that i still love u. Love u always and lots and forever til jannah. Inshaallah. :)