Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 14, 2019

Football club for zafran

after many times searching for a suitable one finally daddy agreed to enrol him at the football club for kids between 6-12 yo. But with certain conditions whereby he cannot simply skip school. At first was just thought of enrolling my son tapi ended up cousins dia pun join sekali. I was like ada the same thoughts as my son kita nak diversify nak kenal crowd baru tapi pusing2 the same crowd balik. So as my husband said takyah nak semak think bout that all let it be. Biarje lah. So here i am setting my mind with biarlah and teaching my heart the same too. :)

Btw, here are the few photos of my son during classes and during first friendly match. Well, i am proud of u son. Mummy loves u very much.

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