Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Another long weekend at work has over

Yess. Finally husband finished east coast session and i am really really happy. Rasa lama sangat dia away sampai i pack his underwear for the last trip pun salah. Tak cukup. So he got to do like other pakai dua kali and terbalikkan side. Hahaha.. pastu weekend well spent. Pergi mall, lepak starbucks. Our favourite hangout spot. Kids play around. And special thing is i dapat makan dim sum and udang masak nestum yg dah lama sgt nak makan. Tq yang! Yesterday he was on leave and pegi mall lagi lepas lunch. Jalan2. Zafran nya PS4 pro dpt replacement sbb yg lama dah rosak sbb zayyan masukkan cd bnyk2 dlm cd slot tu. geram je. Rasa nak gigit pipi dia sampai nangis. Zara got her attendance gift which is the pencil case frozen 2. Lebih kurang like smiggle punya. Tak mahal sgt so oklah. She is happy and the pocket tak rasa burning sangat. :) movie time next weekend pulak ye.

Aside of that, my laundry has been piled up. And alhamdulillah last night i managed to complete it until 12.30 pm. If postpone lagi nnt mcm bnyak sgt pulak. Pening dibuatnya. Hehehe :)

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