Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy 36 th birthday to me

Alhamdulillah. Another year has passed.and i am now 36 years old. Which i think i have reached half of average humans age kan. Tq to my my mother which keep on saying that i was born the next day before deepavali. And she keep on saying that she should name me noor meenachi. Hahaha. Or else my name would be julaiha. So my brothers teased me by calling me kak leha or makcik leha. Yelah tu kan. Anyway ok je nama tu. at least not that weird kan. Well bithday treats was so nice by husband. Ada apa2 ke tu? Hahaha. Saturday lunch kari ikan, dinner arab food. On the bday day itself lunch kfc and pizza and cake and celebration were to be at my parents house. Tq for all the nice wishes. Love u olls. Thanx husband for the treats. He is going to work out of town soon. So gonna hate the feelings that i will bw having . Btw doakan suami saya selamat di perantauan nanti ye. Love u!

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