Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 17, 2020

Welcoming the year of 2020

Happy new year every one! Cant believe that we are here already at the year of 2020 whereby when i was small, the country’s vision is to go to Wawasan 2020 and now here it is. As many said no kereta terbang but duit terbang yess. Hahaha. Very funny. But first and foremost alhamdulillah to have achieved and lived and been living to the very moment for me. Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. Despite of many obstacles and downs and happy in life, life must go on. Mesti teruskan juga apa yg u dah plan initially to complete it and yes try to improve yourself to become a better muslim , a better wife, a better mom and a better daughter.

Here i am writing my very long post coz it is officially my first post of the year, the previous post was just an updating of that post which i didnt finish writing. I didnt wish for many things tp my wish is quite big. I want own house. Sometimes dah penat dah pening dah rimas and sometimes i donno how to say already. Sometimes telan je lah. Nak ckp kat sape2 sometimes i feel that maybe they will think i am too emotional. Hurmm. To my parents , seeing them ageing sometimes rasa sedih , sad nak cry and mcm2 lah. Rasa mcm boleh ke repay their sacrifices when they have took care of me. Thank you. Only allah may repay that. Only doas and doas in my prayer for both of them. :(

To three of my kids, zafran, zara and zayyan. Mummy will always pray for u. Sayang, care and semoga jadi anak yang soleh dan solehah. Aminnn. one is in std 4, one is in std 2, and the youngest is going to be three years old. Love u love u all soo much. To those yg ckp mummy tak reti jaga anak, yes mmg mummy tak reti,  tak reti. Bila org ckp mcm tu geramm je. Ye lah i ni semua tak reti. Jaga lah anak / cucu tu sendiri. :( haishh awal2 tahun dah sedih.

Oklah going to take shower already. Love yourself first. Then u can translate that feelings to others.

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