Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Last day in the month of May 2020

Yess.. the time is still tocking and ticking. Leaving u with hopes and no hopes when you are working or not. Our pkp is almost to an end. Inshaallah. Cuma kids kena pesan bnyk kali especially at school and when mingling with friends. Takyah peluk cium sgt. Inshallah. Just pray to Allah to put everything to at ease.

Raya aidilfitri is already approaching a week. Well me and husband planning to do puasa sunat syawal. Inshaallah.

Now my youngest dah pandai sebut mcm2. Latest, asking daddy to fo shopping. Hahaha :) nak kena ni. Mana boleh shopping time time mcm ni. Hehehe.. :)

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Salam Aidilfitri 2020

A new experience for everyone. Hari raya is celebrating at home without any travelling outside the city. Lucky my parents house is just nearby town. Still can go there. Tapi still there are limitations to in and out. Takleh stay lama sgt. And social distancing is a must. Kesian my parents. My mom mcm x paham. Abah ye lah being precautious. Banyak dia bebel bout my youngest brother. Mcm x endahkan parents dekat rumah. Keluar masuk keluar masuk rumah tak tentu masa. Well, they are adult enough to think. Kita remind je lah diorang incase they forgot. Well, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin. :)

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ramadhan almost to an end

Today is the 28th ramadhan. 2 more days before hari raya. This year a different method of celebrating for everyone. Including myself. Whereby nak balik shah alam we need to take turns. Sbb kesian kan mama and abah. :( tp rules and regulations and sop need to be adhere. Just this time. And maybe inshaallah next raya dapat lah back to normal ok. Hopefully this virus will go away.

Now pkp mco pun i am not sure day what already. Lost count. But this pkp will end 9th june. Offices resume back as normal but with a different office hours. Partially in the office, partially wfh. :) well that’s what the best for evrybody i assumed.

Raya preparation, baju mana yg boleh pakai kita pakai dulu. Mine and zafran got new ones. The rest wear old ones. Cookies yg biasa buat. This year MIL and hubby’s SIL sibuk baking cookies for raya. Sbb takleh jalan mana2 kan. Mine 2 jenis as usual. Nnt nak bake cake je lah. Still unsure plain cake or marble butter cake. Boleh je nak try marble cake kan. Tp ada brg2 nak kena pegi beli dulu. Not at home punya brg. Nnt. We decide dulu lah ye. Kemas rumah mcm biasa. Itu dah jadi normal routine sekarang. Sapu, vacuum, mop, tukar cadar, susun kusyen, lap meja. Langsir tu mmg MIL sibuk buat dari dulu lagi. Dia punya stress if langsir tak siap lagi smp boleh buat org lain marah. Hahaha.. i remember that. :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Phase 4 of MCO

i think and inshaallah the MCO will be over soon. by government opening the ban for economy sector starting 4th may . inclusive my husband. he has to work back now after a month plus office is close. so far alhamdulillah for these two days. just now is in ramadhan month. timing a bit different. got to be back slightly earlier, other than that business as usual.

well, i heard that now no longer curfew between 10pm to 6am. no more time boundaries. tapi yelah. where u want to go wandering around late night. like there are aidilfitri bazar going around. bazar ramadhan pun takde tau this year. just to avoid people crowding at places. to break the chain of covid-19. so as for me, no need to go outside shopping. online would do. but i have to face with the courier company currently lah. that is all i have to bear currently. other than that takde lah. i shopped for lil girl baju kurung already tapi daddy insisted another pair for her. and my self as well the boys. hurmm.. dia kata ada spare budget. so suruh i survey the brand POKOK KIDS. ok bos. will do. thank you very much.

currently, school is still doing pdpc from home. exercises given by teachers in whatsapp group and online work as well. everyday ada. so i jotted down on the paper to keep track. mcm bnyk giler kot. online ok lah. tapi ada jugak yang need writing in books and papers. hahahaha buat je lah ye. :)

for my zayyan, now dh pandai count finger family, number 1 to 10 and even ABC which he called ADB. hahaha.. love u lots baby. makin banyak perangai everyday. kadang2 gerammm je tengok. pastu bila tido sian dia. :)