Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ramadhan almost to an end

Today is the 28th ramadhan. 2 more days before hari raya. This year a different method of celebrating for everyone. Including myself. Whereby nak balik shah alam we need to take turns. Sbb kesian kan mama and abah. :( tp rules and regulations and sop need to be adhere. Just this time. And maybe inshaallah next raya dapat lah back to normal ok. Hopefully this virus will go away.

Now pkp mco pun i am not sure day what already. Lost count. But this pkp will end 9th june. Offices resume back as normal but with a different office hours. Partially in the office, partially wfh. :) well that’s what the best for evrybody i assumed.

Raya preparation, baju mana yg boleh pakai kita pakai dulu. Mine and zafran got new ones. The rest wear old ones. Cookies yg biasa buat. This year MIL and hubby’s SIL sibuk baking cookies for raya. Sbb takleh jalan mana2 kan. Mine 2 jenis as usual. Nnt nak bake cake je lah. Still unsure plain cake or marble butter cake. Boleh je nak try marble cake kan. Tp ada brg2 nak kena pegi beli dulu. Not at home punya brg. Nnt. We decide dulu lah ye. Kemas rumah mcm biasa. Itu dah jadi normal routine sekarang. Sapu, vacuum, mop, tukar cadar, susun kusyen, lap meja. Langsir tu mmg MIL sibuk buat dari dulu lagi. Dia punya stress if langsir tak siap lagi smp boleh buat org lain marah. Hahaha.. i remember that. :)

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