Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Last day in the month of May 2020

Yess.. the time is still tocking and ticking. Leaving u with hopes and no hopes when you are working or not. Our pkp is almost to an end. Inshaallah. Cuma kids kena pesan bnyk kali especially at school and when mingling with friends. Takyah peluk cium sgt. Inshallah. Just pray to Allah to put everything to at ease.

Raya aidilfitri is already approaching a week. Well me and husband planning to do puasa sunat syawal. Inshaallah.

Now my youngest dah pandai sebut mcm2. Latest, asking daddy to fo shopping. Hahaha :) nak kena ni. Mana boleh shopping time time mcm ni. Hehehe.. :)

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