Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

New SOP for SPA

After 4 months finally boleh pegi SPA. Lain sket masa awal2 tu kena siap isi form bout your health state and also do you want to massage the whole body or certain certain parts aje. My body is full of wind and my shoulder blade is tensed. A bit pain after kena massage. Tp by sunday malam dah ok rasanya. Sedapp sket rasa badan.

Pandai dah selfie macam macam rupa

Comel je. Tp most of the time nak kena marah kan.

Ordered a blanket for zafran

He requested for a new blanket since few days ago. Decided to buy it after looking and surveying few shops at shopee. Sky blue is the colour. So cantik and fluffy. Geramm je bila pegang. He is also into it. Sampai first night tu siap terkencing malam. Zafran zafran.

Zayyan when no abang and kakak

Hahaha.. sian dia. Tp that is it lah. For temporary time only.

A week after school reopens

Alhamdulillah. It went well for this 1st week with both kids. This week we planned to make simple bekal for the kids as well. Daddy continuation from previous months. Alhamdulillah. Managed to do so. Now the kids go to school with me. I fetched them to and from school. Temporary or until the condition gets better. Keep on reminding them to always stay clean. Now at school, no recess at canteen. Sit 1 meter apart from each other. Wearing mask is essential. Can open it when necessary. Fetching and sending kids seems to be fine. Tq to everyone.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Banyakknyaaaaaa toys zayyan

Tu baru satu kotak :))

Zafran’s favourite masterpiece

Hurmm risau lah asik nak ciumm je letak kat hidung tu.

Testing his sister’s eyeliner

He thinks its funny. Trying his sister’s eyeliner. Elokk la tu. hahahaha.. :)

Asik nak panjat je kakak ni

Another toy daddy belanja

Magic sand. Kakak punya idea. Pastu dah beli taknak main jugak.  Now ada tersimpan dalam kotak on the table. Balik2 game and handphone je diorang main. Kids kids.

More homeworks to submit via whatsapp

New normal

Online classes and homework

Too many homeworks. Tp ada jugak.l yg tertinggal. Lambat submit. Tp semua managed to do so lah. Now tinggal one week je lagi before school reopens. So nak siapkan yg mana boleh lah dulu. Zafran banyak lagi tu. especially maths. Now nak bagi dia catch-up dulu on the multiply and division. Slowly son but surely u can. Love u kidos.

Terusir - New book by Hamka

Novel full of tears. Its true. Mmg sad. How the ladies’ life ended up being like that until her last breathe just because of jealousy, anciousness, eagerness and no justification from the true story. Sedih how she was apart from her beloved son. Everybody is blaming the first husband Sbb cepat sgt letak decision. I finished it within 2 days. Now waiting for husband to finish his book so we can swap. Hehehe.. :)

Uncle yed sold this pjs

Bought one pair for zayyan. The one yg ada size and ngan is this pattern. So kita byr and take it. Balik cuci dulu next day pakai dah. Cute kan. Jarang tgk he in a dark coloured suits. Love u baby!

Kolam for the kids

Amboii amboiii.. kids damn happy daddy belanja big kolam for them. Dah lama been asking for it. Since mco started last few months. Lagi2 tgk cousins main lagi laa rasa nak beli. And then they all bising sbb cousins tak bagi diorang main selalu. So after je daddy got the biggggg pool for them, siap ckp takleh masuk tapi last2 semua pun masuk (all the cousins) lahh.  Hahahahahahaha ... :) kids will always be kids kan. Zayyan pun dah pandai. Tapi awal2 tu asik nak bogel je. Taknak pakai baju. At last kena siapkan dia dalam bilin with the swimming attire. Then apa lagi, bushh. The elder kids main kasar sket. Kedebusb kedebush. Sampai zayyan at one point tu takut nak duduk dlm pool. Duduk tepi. Then i marah lah. I said defeat the purpose daddy beli if anak dia tak dapat main. :(
Anyway here is the photos of them the kids enjoying thtemselves. Last2 after bathing, semua pun tertido penat. Tired katanya. :))

Hello july

Yesss! It is already in 2nd week of july and yet i have been soo busy to update my blog. I promised to my self to keep on blogging about anything in my life each and every month. Meaning at least one post in a month. Just to keep up with the daily things i had to went through in my life. Yes indeed this month a bit stressful for me and husband. For our huge mainly huge purchase of asset for our own place. Since i am not working, i cant support much and from there comes the frustration, sadness, eagerness and also happiness. Yess alhamdulillah. We managed to secure the unit that we wanted for our house. Alhamdulillah. We can smile now after gone through many documents processing and also  interview seasoning with the banks. Finally its approved. The unit is ours.  Now my major worried is to payback monthly and how we are going to equipped the house to accommodate at least the basic home appliances like kitchen, tv, lights & fan, bed, fridge and etc. Mcm banyaknya nak pakai duit. Pening kepala. Husband cakap. Inshaallah there’s a way. To find that money just kena banyak doa and complete your prayers. :| i pulak since awal hari tu period and tak berapa nak kering lagi until yesterday. Siap ada pimple sakit kat pipi. Combo i guess. Badan stress. Siap short of breath. Husband even bought me a dozen of birds nest to help me improve on that. And yes i am drinking. Tomorrow is my last bottle. :) tq yang. Nanti dalam this week plan to break the news to my parent pulak. Well, here are some photos of the newly purchased unit. Mudah mudahan semuanya dipermudahkan. Amin.