Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Kolam for the kids

Amboii amboiii.. kids damn happy daddy belanja big kolam for them. Dah lama been asking for it. Since mco started last few months. Lagi2 tgk cousins main lagi laa rasa nak beli. And then they all bising sbb cousins tak bagi diorang main selalu. So after je daddy got the biggggg pool for them, siap ckp takleh masuk tapi last2 semua pun masuk (all the cousins) lahh.  Hahahahahahaha ... :) kids will always be kids kan. Zayyan pun dah pandai. Tapi awal2 tu asik nak bogel je. Taknak pakai baju. At last kena siapkan dia dalam bilin with the swimming attire. Then apa lagi, bushh. The elder kids main kasar sket. Kedebusb kedebush. Sampai zayyan at one point tu takut nak duduk dlm pool. Duduk tepi. Then i marah lah. I said defeat the purpose daddy beli if anak dia tak dapat main. :(
Anyway here is the photos of them the kids enjoying thtemselves. Last2 after bathing, semua pun tertido penat. Tired katanya. :))

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