Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Dah lama kot tak stuck dalam traffic jam. We were on the way back from setia. Beli keperluan daddy utk naik ofis. Tapi bila balik from setia that day, hubby purposely chosed a different route and then nahh amik kauuu. Jam sampai kitorang kena dilencongkan ke arah highway jalam kapar. Almost one hour jugak lah. Dengan kids dah call tanya kita banyak kali mummy kat mana. Lucky ada tapau chicken pie and latte, so bolehlah cover perut sket if not dah lapar teruk lah tu. moral of the story, biarlah jaln jauh sket drpd stuck satu jam dlm jem kan. Hehehe..

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