Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Ganti puasa done

Yaay! Alhamdulillah. Dah habis ganti puasa for year 2022. If dapat kita try puasa sunat lagi before the avtual ramadhan comes. Inshaallah. Semoga dipermudahkan. :)

Balik kampung on cny

This year husband nak balik kg time cny tp our timing kena betul. So bag mmg dah pack the night before. Kitorang plan mmg nak bangun as early as 5.30am sbb nak gerak at least by 7. We left the house around 7.20am and ada lah jem sket2 but not that bad like we go through the last time balik kg. Alhamdulillah despite ada aircond prob, we stop jap kat tangkak, we arrived in segamat around 11am. Tapi our destination doesnt stop there. Kitorang stop by gunung ledang dulu. Daddy nak picnic. Siap masak aglio oglio. So sweet. We stayed there for 2 nights. Ada lah shopping brg2 sket like baju sekolah zara, kain utk baju raya, and yg takde is neck pillow. Hahah. Merata cari kat MrDIY. Daddy ckp nnt pegi kat tmpt lain kat our place lah. Makan plak as usual mmg bnyk makan. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Kids UASA in school

There are a few subjects that the teachers gave some info in how to revise them. This week is the last week of their UASA. Hoping that they have gain knowledge and info from school teachers. :)

Give away kids stroller

Not using it anymore so we decided to giveaway. Alhamdulillah taken and gifted. Semoga new owner dapat gunakan dgn sebaiknya. I have sewed the leg part padding due to torn a bit. The rest is still in good condition. But the memories remain. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

My everyday morning view

Every time i’m having my meal be it breakfast, lunch or dinner , i am gonna have this view in front of my eyes. Next to my seat. These few days he is off from school sebab selsema & batuk. So ada kat rumah boleh eat with mummy. If dia school, that seat will be empty. During breakfast. Love u son! Semoga membesar dengan sihat, menjadi budak pandai & bijaksana. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

While teman daddy shopping kasut

Berangan sampai nak tertido kat kerusi best tu. :) hahahahaha. Jadilah. 

All of us x berapa sihat

Zayyan started first with selsema & batuk, and then myself backflow, yesterday zafran nose block dgn sore throat. Tapi hari ni alhamdulillah dah semakin ok. Kena rest banyak dan minum air yg banyak. Let it flush out. Semoga semakin sembuh. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

4th day of school for zayyan already

Alahaii so cute. Baru 4th day? Orang lain dah ber-day-day banyak hari ye. Anyway, trying to instill in him that going to school is a must coz he will be learning many new things in school. :) pagi tadi mcm ada drama sket tp pegi jugak. Bravo! Balik td daddy fetch him. He video called me lepas naik car. Macam2 ceritanya from new uniforms, today’s task, new friend’s name and dah pegi toilet sendiri. So excited. Happy he is happy. Semoga istiqomah ye son. Mommy loves u!!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Zara also cut hair


I took her for a bew haircut. So excited sbb dpt pegi salon. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Alhamdulillah, Zayyan’s 1st day of school

Its already time for him to go to school. Its preschool nearby our home. Pagi tadi i woke up around 5.30 to get myself showered and ready beforw i get rhe kods to ready for their final term for term 2022/2023. Alhamdulillah. And husband took leave to be with us. The elder two kids mcm biasa, tak sabar nak jumpa kawan2. Yg si bongsu ni. Inshaallah semoga yg baik2 aje for him. Food & water - checked, stationeries - checked, spared him a small towel in case he wants to use it. Tp ada few things he macam malu. Nak pegi toilet pun malu nak tanya teacher. So i repeatedly remind him tadi to just ask for the teacher if nak gi toilet. Still belum make any friends. Takpelah itu soon boleh lagi. :) sooooo nnt kita try improve handwriting ye. Shayang diaaa!!!

Monday, January 2, 2023

Bila lama cuti , kain pun bnyk

 Time utk lipat. Ni pun ada lagi dlm dryer. Huhu

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023


Another new year, another new adventure. Semoga yang baik2 aja for me and family.