Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Alhamdulillah, Zayyan’s 1st day of school

Its already time for him to go to school. Its preschool nearby our home. Pagi tadi i woke up around 5.30 to get myself showered and ready beforw i get rhe kods to ready for their final term for term 2022/2023. Alhamdulillah. And husband took leave to be with us. The elder two kids mcm biasa, tak sabar nak jumpa kawan2. Yg si bongsu ni. Inshaallah semoga yg baik2 aje for him. Food & water - checked, stationeries - checked, spared him a small towel in case he wants to use it. Tp ada few things he macam malu. Nak pegi toilet pun malu nak tanya teacher. So i repeatedly remind him tadi to just ask for the teacher if nak gi toilet. Still belum make any friends. Takpelah itu soon boleh lagi. :) sooooo nnt kita try improve handwriting ye. Shayang diaaa!!!

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