Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Balik kampung on cny

This year husband nak balik kg time cny tp our timing kena betul. So bag mmg dah pack the night before. Kitorang plan mmg nak bangun as early as 5.30am sbb nak gerak at least by 7. We left the house around 7.20am and ada lah jem sket2 but not that bad like we go through the last time balik kg. Alhamdulillah despite ada aircond prob, we stop jap kat tangkak, we arrived in segamat around 11am. Tapi our destination doesnt stop there. Kitorang stop by gunung ledang dulu. Daddy nak picnic. Siap masak aglio oglio. So sweet. We stayed there for 2 nights. Ada lah shopping brg2 sket like baju sekolah zara, kain utk baju raya, and yg takde is neck pillow. Hahah. Merata cari kat MrDIY. Daddy ckp nnt pegi kat tmpt lain kat our place lah. Makan plak as usual mmg bnyk makan. :)

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