Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Zara and puri

Sejak dah pandai mkn puri ni, everytime we go to mamak shop, mesti ada additional order from zara. Puri lah tu. Kemain berkenan lagi. :)


 Tak tau nak pergi hair treatment ke body massage. Well, here i am last sunday. Tapi kan lepas buat tu rasa mcm I should be going to the massage lah. Sebab bila massage the whole body best rasanya. Hurm. Rambut tu pegi wash n blow je lah. 

KSL mall

Husband brought MIL to the new mall. Nak round round katanya. So sampai sampai time petang kids and the cuzz main kat playground sekali lah. Zafran main sampai bahu terkehel sikit. Muscle tore. Mcm2 abang nih. Hisshh.. pastu eat dinner at warung bungkus kaw kaw. Ok la nasi lemak dia. I think i have taste better nasi lemak somewhere else rasanya. Teh tarik, not bad. 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Taking zara to watch Barbie

 It was suppose to be a saturdate tp sbb husband ada meeting outstation, we postponed it to sunday after lunch. And suddenly nak keluar ada sorang budak haluss nak ikut pegi sekali jugak. That is my bongsu lah. Tetiba nak ikut mummy and kakak pulak. Tp sbb tengok pun dekat bukit raja je, the hall is not full la. So boleh lah beli lagi satu seat utk zayyan.

Only zara wear pink outfit. Me and zayan apa ada lah. Tak dan nak dress dress up pink. Sbb lagi 1 hour movie start baru keluar rumah. Hehehe..

Anyways, i kind of like the movie. Ada message that the director os trying to say. About equality, then men’s thing (apa? Patriarchy) etc etc etc.

Believe in yourself, believe in your heart, move forward, and inshaallah boleh!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Bz week

Yup. I’ve changed my morning schedule now. After breakfast, settle masak for lunch. And after that can focus on other things. Other things like laundry, vacum, susun2, lipat kain boleh buat petang ke malam. Pastu others doing sale. yes SALE. I am in that line now. And yg buat ni property SALE. Inshaallah. Semoga ada sinar nya.

Today morning husband mcm semak banyak dgn shop lot depan rumah my inlaws. Nak siapkan tu basically lagi 10k. Lepastu bila dpt penyewa, inshaallah boleh dpt income balik. Inshaallah. Teruskan istiqomah. Inshaallah we can. :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Injured fingers

Was focusing on the carrots to cut for lunch. Suddenly, nah the carrot moved, and the knife went straight to my two fingers. Apalagiiii.. menjerit dah lah i. Sbb banyak noo darah. Sian mummy. Hehehe.. pastu semua kelam kabut. Cari tissue, cari plaster. Husband continue masak. Hehehe. Tq love! About a week jugak lah to recover. :(

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Zafran’s 12th birthday

Kita ada simple lunch utk dia dkt TGIF. Pastu mcm biasa baca doa dekat rumah wan the night before raya haji. Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki. 

Sunday routine

Its almost an end for another week. And here to start for another challenging yet fun week. Mcm bz sokmo lah. Currently helping husband out with his paper work. Mine almost done. So boleh focus paper work lain pulak. Semoga semuanya berjalan lamcar. Inshaallah. To our kids, please hang on there. We got our scheduled plans somewhere in August. Inshallah. :)

Monday, July 3, 2023

New day in july

After a week of aidiladha break, new week in new month is here. Praying and hoping for a better days everyday. Inshaallah. 

To what i am currently doing. Keep on doing. Inshallah.