Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Taking zara to watch Barbie

 It was suppose to be a saturdate tp sbb husband ada meeting outstation, we postponed it to sunday after lunch. And suddenly nak keluar ada sorang budak haluss nak ikut pegi sekali jugak. That is my bongsu lah. Tetiba nak ikut mummy and kakak pulak. Tp sbb tengok pun dekat bukit raja je, the hall is not full la. So boleh lah beli lagi satu seat utk zayyan.

Only zara wear pink outfit. Me and zayan apa ada lah. Tak dan nak dress dress up pink. Sbb lagi 1 hour movie start baru keluar rumah. Hehehe..

Anyways, i kind of like the movie. Ada message that the director os trying to say. About equality, then men’s thing (apa? Patriarchy) etc etc etc.

Believe in yourself, believe in your heart, move forward, and inshaallah boleh!

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