Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Bz week

Yup. I’ve changed my morning schedule now. After breakfast, settle masak for lunch. And after that can focus on other things. Other things like laundry, vacum, susun2, lipat kain boleh buat petang ke malam. Pastu others doing sale. yes SALE. I am in that line now. And yg buat ni property SALE. Inshaallah. Semoga ada sinar nya.

Today morning husband mcm semak banyak dgn shop lot depan rumah my inlaws. Nak siapkan tu basically lagi 10k. Lepastu bila dpt penyewa, inshaallah boleh dpt income balik. Inshaallah. Teruskan istiqomah. Inshaallah we can. :)

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