Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 29, 2024

It is a leap year this year

It is now 29th February. And this is a leap year this year. Which means we have 366 days in a year and it happens only in 4 years once. So purposely having this post here to actually write something so i wil. Have a post specifically on this day. :)

Friday, February 23, 2024

Back on track

Hahaha.. lepas dah a week off after coming back from kampung, finally today i made myself to go for a walk in the morning. I dont think at 6pm i can commit to that coz suddenly i got plans yeah! :) so 3.3km it is. To the more kilos yah!! 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Last day of kindie

Since dah nak masuk Tahun 1 bulan depan, so ini lst day zayyan kat kindie. Thank you to all teachers for the guidance towards my son. Tiber dia cakap kenapa tak masukkan dia dari 4 years old. Alahaiii mesti dia rasa syoknya tadika. Hehehe.. everyone goes through once in a lifetime je yan. Semoga membesar menjadi anak yang soleh, berakal, berilmu, berjaya di dunia & akhirat. Aminn. :)

Quite sometime he didnt pluck his guitar

Hehehehe… amik pic curi-curi from the side. :)

Bila ada pelamin auto nak bergambar

Sebab aritu ada kenduri side husband. So itulah snap snap dgn pelamin. :)

Bila budak pegi rumah aunty

2 cousins bersunat, tapi dia pun join sekali makan pizza. Adoiii bang… :)

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Almost 5 days stay at kampung

There’s a wedding ceremony, pastu engagement ceremony pastu tak nak stuck kat dlm traffic jam die to public hols. So kita gerak lah awal. :)  tapi masa balik tu kena redah jem jugak sebab gerak lepas lunch kan. Around 3.30pm sooo sampai rumah after dinner around 10pm lah. :) sempat lah menyinggaj jogging sekali kat sana

Budak yg suka menyakat adik dia

Kadang kdang geram je tengok … pastu ada pulak kesian . Haishh lah si abangg ni :( :)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Nasi lemak for breakfast at 6am

I had some urgent errands to do last wednesday and so we have to leave the house by 6.30 right after subuh prayer. And since we are already ready by 6am, i had my very early breakfast of nasi lemak. :) hehehehe.. 

Friday, February 16, 2024

New hairstyle for the kids

Masing masing nak ronaldo’s hairstyle. So mummy follow je. :)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Teman kakak zara to her friend’s aunt’s wedding ceremony

Yess.. its always daughter accompany parent but now terbalik pulak. :) takpelah. Utk memenuhi undangan perkahwinan tu we both went coz husband and the boyzz pegi ceremony lain pulak. Thanks for inviting. :) apa yg kita repeat few times is ice cream and air manis. Adoii!! Kenyang perut. :)

Last weekend eating activity

This time we made it after few weeks tak jdi due to tak sedar alarm bunyi. Hahahaha.. coz we need to get up extra early in the morning just to be there at 8.30am for breakfast. Husband been wanting to eat here for quite sometime, so kita pegi je lah sekali. Nak makan balik tempat tu. And here we are again at Lemang Toki. Tapi a bit dissapoint sebab ada part makan yg ada green view tu dah kena tutup. They close ot with a roti canai station and water station. But overall the food was still nice. After we chow at around 10am queue dah mula panjang. Tu pasal nak sampai awal. Sooo takyah queue panjang2. :)

Working out update

Alhamdulillah. Since the beginning of the year, there is no one week i left out any exercise routine. Be it jogging or body combat. Well just for maintenance of myself. And husband is also joining me during weekend for a jog session. After consistently went for 3km to 3.3km now i am intending ro increase to 3.5km to 3.7km before i upgrade it to 4km.hehehe.. 

Friday, February 2, 2024

This was wayyy back in year 2020. A week before the 1st MCO.

Yesss… i remembered this. I took the kids to icity. Naik dino rides sebab icity masa tu baru bukak. So bawak lah diorang round2 dalam mall tu. Tau2 after a week the whole county MCO. Ok lepass tu berbulan lah lamanya tak pegi mall. :)

Visit to Muzium Kesenian Islam Malaysia

It was a public holiday here that time and so husband decided to bring is for a tour at the museum. :) wanted to go there everytime we passed by mesti cakap nanti nak visit sini lah. Hahahaha… as usual banyak info dalam tu. And mostly arts related to islam. Dari zaman dulu2. Zara yg paling enjoy. Zafran yg paling cepat lah nak balik. Apa apa pun. Worth the visit. :)