Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Last weekend eating activity

This time we made it after few weeks tak jdi due to tak sedar alarm bunyi. Hahahaha.. coz we need to get up extra early in the morning just to be there at 8.30am for breakfast. Husband been wanting to eat here for quite sometime, so kita pegi je lah sekali. Nak makan balik tempat tu. And here we are again at Lemang Toki. Tapi a bit dissapoint sebab ada part makan yg ada green view tu dah kena tutup. They close ot with a roti canai station and water station. But overall the food was still nice. After we chow at around 10am queue dah mula panjang. Tu pasal nak sampai awal. Sooo takyah queue panjang2. :)

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