Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 24, 2009

a story behind all photos

preparation before wedding
i applied for leave since 5th august so i will have ample time to rest, do extra touching up things, find some things which are not yet completed and kemas-kemasing rumah. before i reach the said dates, i already booked and confirmed many things as wat i've told in my blog previously. so this one just to re-confirm on the event la. inclusive of tok kadi, photographer, khemah, inai, mak andam, door gifts and banyak lagi la. so on wednesday, me and sis went to round2 kat area shah alam n subang to find things. last2 dpt. yahoo!! so my sis is 3 months preggy. so i dont expect much la. coz kesian her. that day i remembered that she almost vomitted coz she cant stand the coldness of air-cond at subang parade. lucky so far she's fine. come to 6th aug, my khemah is ready for builting. wow! i am so happy coz dad agree to put up the khemah on thursday, but i was pretty busy on that day coz i n fiance need to rn to putrajaya to sent in my letter. back from there wat else yah? oh.. we go and fittings the baju's for kawin. it looked nice on me k. from baju berinai to reception. tapi kan mak midah ni suke wat surprise. baju kat umah faiz tak tau camne lagi. die kata surprise. baju tuka2 tu pun surprise. tak tau baju ape. i pun ok la. takpe. i'm sure it is going to be canteks.. cantek like me eh. =) then as i feel towards my marriage, i dont really have the mood to eat. i makan tak habish tau smp kena scolding from dearest fiance. tapi i makan jgk sbb penah kawan fiance ckp smp sakit perut gastriks tak makan langsung. so i pun amikla iktibar sendiri kan. tanak kena camtu. sebab on my wedding i nak nampak cantik, and most important things is HEALTHY. on 7th aug, tolong2 put up bunga telur. my khemah nye scallop pun dh pasang. i nye pelamin pun dah pasang. wow! i cant believe it. hehe.. my house dh sibuk dah. nak pasang2. kemas2. angkat angkat barang. at last alhamdulillah kemas la jgk akhirnye. petang tu jgk i di pakaikan inai oleh kak majee. she charged me only 150 for both hands and feet. with major design. i mean yang complicated sket la. tapi i like sebab murah pastu cantik. even the inai on my kuku tahan sampai skang tau. tu yang tambah syok lagi ye. malam tu wished each other as usual. tapi ckp tak banyak sgt. maybe penat campur letih yang menguasai diri i. and then gud nite everyone. i got a big 2 days event that weekend.

siang tu my tuka2 baju session. sumenye dalam 4 pasang baju. cantik2 la baju i campur make-up die. i really like it k. then posing2 kat dpn pelamin, kat dlm rumah, kat dapur and i really love the moment. mum pun looked so happy. actually die pun berhajat masa i kawin die nak i tuka2 baju. then die bawak i gi depan gi belakang. jeng jeng jeng. oosshh i remembered the moments. still fresh in me. well, that event habis round 4.30pm. pastu i nak cleaned up. make-up again for bernikah. and i've decided to wear tudung for my solemnization. wow! i really admire myself coz i looked so chommel and canteks. that moment went on smoothly. dengan sekali lafaz je, i am now married to my husband. alhamdulillah. bile terkenang time dulu2 time couple. ishh.. sometimes i wonder tau ape yang husband i saw in me sampai he wants to marry me. plus cam dulu i penah derhaka kat boyfren i. astaga. itu sume ku jadikan satu pengajaran buat diriku supaya lebih berhati2 di masa depan. pastu dh setel nikah it is time for malam berinai. i pakai baju color purple. canteks la. i suke. then malam tu berinai besar. renjis renjis dipilis. hatiku sungguh gembira. mmmm... i loikkee.. my husband pun nampak segak and handsome sangat. malam tu after event habis, sebelum tido i macam termimpi2. terngiang2. eh betul ke aku ni dah kawin. dgn en faiz ke? orang yang i rindu sesangat tau. dah lame i berkawan ngan die. akhirnye kami berkawin jgk. alhamdulillah. malam tu i tido around 3am. mohsein said pretty late. i should have a gud rest sleep coz the next day is my big event that is bersanding.

bersanding! wow i woke up around 9am. mandi put on lenses. pastu breakfast kuih bahulu then mak midah dh smp. whoosshh! cptnye then i dh start lapar. we pun bermake-up2. my sis pun same. i am sooo happy that my kenduri berjalan dgn selamat dan lancar. sampai ke petang. takde hujan. alhamdulillah. then click click snap photos. posing sane posing sini. i suke gile. i am the princess hoohoo.. husband looked so kacak and bergaya. i looked so cantek and vogue. *ahaks* gediks la plak kan. tapi it's true i am cantek. i looked so stunning beautiful. wow! tapi ade tak syok sket sbb kompang smp lambat. dlm 2.30pm baru bersanding then round 3pm baru makan nasi beradab. aku main bedal je. lapar babe. pastu snap2 photos sampai la ke petang malam. pastu say thanx to mohsein and crew. then farid n crew. then bob n crew then semua keluarga. terima kasih y'all. TERIMA KASIH.

time to kemas2 and time to buka hadiah. banyak jgk hadiah i dpt. thanx frens n families. i really like all those gifts and presents u gave. satu hari kemas2. relax2 jap before the time to go to sabah.

that nite b4 sleep, i cried. thinking that who wil take care my parent. who wil look after them? well, hubby said eleh kalo i ade cam jaga sgt je. hehehe.. ye la tapi sedey la plak kan. mane ade duk berjauhan dari umah. eventho ade gadoh2 sumer. tapi itulah die permulaan sebagai suami isteri. selamat menempuh alam perkahwinan yang sangat bahagia. semoga tabah menghadapi dugaan semua. insya-Allah.

on tuesday morning fida sent us to lcct. our flight scheduled at 9.30am. so we reached ard 8 sumthing. sempat to eat breakfast. then time to fly fly..whew! dh lame tak naik plane. pastu i pakai lense plak. dah la nak tido cam takut2 je. apara i ni. if my sis selamber je die tido. pastu masa tertido tu i terperasan yang air liur meleleh. sbb masa nk smp tu i cam nk lap2 mulut. hehehe.. apada.. smp dlm kul 12.30pm turun2 je ade orang dh hold flash card. name i. tapi salah eja. nor aziatulshima. single 'o' instead of double. tapi takpe tanak spoilkan mood tu. mood for honeymoon. yaay! pastu kan nk check in la for honeymoon suite tapi kan my credit card got problem. aisshh.. i nye credit limit dh over the limit sgt. last2 naik taxi gi town ngan hubby withdraw duit cash. lucky ade cash. so at least takyah nk pening2 camne nak byr honeymoon ni. dh setel. i really enjoy the moment me and newly wed husband there. we round2 cari makan sementara nk setelkan hal bank tu. pastu jumpe la kedai makan nasi melayu. it costs us ard rm7. oklah rasanye. at least dh lapik perut ngan nasi pastu blh gi jln2. we dont take long sbb nak blk hotel n check in. than dh setel tu we naik taxi balik gi nexus. oh lupe nk advertise. i went for my honeymoon kat NEXUS, KARAMBUNAI. a very nice place for relaxing. so cantik. so beautiful. rasa nak stay sane lame2 sket. baru syok tapi apakan daya ongkosnye tidak mengiyakan. apa-apapun syukur sngat sbb dpt gi jalan and this is our first time to arrive at sabah negeri di bawah bayu. oh the taxi to n from costs us rm80+rm60 mahalkan. pastu after check in and diberi penerangan kalo nk gi town better naik shuttle bus. costs us rm24+rm24 to n fro la which we think can save our $$ quite a few dollars la. btw i tell u masuk je our honeymoon suite wow! marvellous. sgt cantik. i really like the view and the susun atur of the perabot. cantik ok. katil tu siap ade rose petals. wow! i suke gile. ade snap2 some photos. nnt mlm kang i upload k. ptg tu jln2 kat tepi laut, then gi makan pizza. petang tu we got bath-tub session. best giler. wanted to try to pop the cherry tapi tak success. sakit sakit sakit. oosshh... memang sakit. sampai hubby cam ade rasa a bit dissapointed. so we ended up sleeping normally. the next morning he tried again.. and nah.. successfully popped the cherry and i rememebered the moment okay. 12th august. with all the fluids. omg.. pastu rasa die sngt la pelik tapi belum really enjoy the moment. sebab stil sakit. hahaha.. hubby pun same sakit. pastu tido kejap before we pegi take our breakfast. i start rasa seram2 sejuk. maybe changing of hormones by the way i am starting to love the way i am now. living with my husband. so dearly in love with him. hhhmmmm...hhmmm... hehehe.. i can stil imagine the moment now. it's like stil fresh in my mind. well then that nite we had a candlenite dinner. tapi i tak brape sihat. cam demam. so i berselubung ngan shawl tapi snap snap pics tak bnyk sgt la. ade la few shots. then next day gi jalan2 kat town. gi shopping.. beli pearls..pearls.. pearls.. really like it. well, again there was a game being played. hehehe.. omg. nikmatnye. hanya tuhan yang tau walaupun sakit. then balik. ape lagi we all buat eh. oh biasa la. jalan2 kemas2 shopping sket lagi pastu time to balik. hhmm.. cam tanak tinggalkan island ni. nak stay sini tapi we got commitments so we got better to leave. upon arrival hubby's bros fetched us from lcct. balik to letih la. tido tapi cam tanak tido. friday tu, hubby dtg fetch setel brg mak midah b4 gi umah hubby. i got mlm berinai that nite. anne [his sis] make-up i. then diorang suke2 nak tepung tawar i. hehehe.. syok.. ye la.. pengantin kan. ye kan je la. pastu mlm tido quite late tapi takpe hati syok. esok hari bertandang kat umah faiz. i di make-upkan start kul 11.30am. awal kan. tapi takpe. syok.

hari bertandang. i dimake-up oleh mak mail. wow i looked so beautiful and cun. so classic look. dgn baju i yg ala2 modern gown so cantik beautiful. geram2 sgt. hehehe.. pastu bersanding tepung tawar makan adab2 then snapping time. my brother dilantik sebagai jurukamera professional on that day. so really depending on his shoots. juz to teach him how to capture all those nice shots. anyway i really like. i've seen the photos and they are beautifully captured. nnt i upload kan ye. tapi kena mintak farid change it to low resolution. baru leh upload or else besar sangat. hehehe... anyway tgk hubby kene usik ngan kawan2 die. n he looked so handsomely dressed. macam pahlawan melayu. pastu mama n abah pun nak balik. diorang suruh i jaga diri elok2. rajin2 turun ke dapur. pastu dh rasa sedih campur sebak sket. hhmm.. kene tinggal. tapi takpe bukan orang lain. husband i jgk kan. =) pastu time to kemas2 and tolong menolong. i was a bit lost sbb tatau nak wat ape n kat mane. i tolong la mane2 yang patut. i slept there for 4 nights. pastu get ready for the next phase of live as husband n wife.

~ Syukur alhamdulillah ke hadrat Illahi, kerana majlis perkahwinan kami berjalan dengan selamat dan lancar. walaupun ade beberapa rasa yang tidak puas hati, itu adatnye perkahwinan. apa apa pun semoga perkahwinan yang dibina ini berkekalan hingga ka akhir hayat dan dirahmati Allah SWT insya-Allah. kepada kedua ibu bapa kami, terima kasih yang tak terhingga diucapkan kerana telah membesarkan kami dan juga menjadi role-model kepada kami. kepada kakak, adik dan seluruh ahli keluarga kami yang datang dari jauh atau dekat, terima kasih daun keladi. hanya tuhan yang dapat membalas jasa baik kalian. Semoga bertemu lagi di lain post yang tentunya berlainan sket kerana kami kini bergelar husband n wife~

Thursday, August 20, 2009


well..hehe.. i am now officially a wife to my 9 years boyfriend. wow! i cant describe the feelings. it is mutual okay. imagine that you've been waiting to spend the rest of ur life with sumone u damn love n admire, alhamdulillah. actually i didnt post 4 more sets of photos [eh cam banyak je lagi] tu gambar masa tuka2 baju, then gambar masa berinai besar and wedding on faiz's side. and the most romantic moments that are during our honeymoon. yeah! i cant story banyak sgt coz later my husband nk fetch me. i havent finish packing. will do so soon yah. ok lah. nite!

faiz's berinai

look at my hubby tu. die wat muke lak kat belakang. hehe..kiss kang.


during nikah

lovely photos

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

~ beginning of new life ~

i am married to Muhamad Faiz Marican bin Mubarak.
alhamdulillah semuanya selamat dan selesai. photos to be updated soon. now time to sleep but hubby is not around. so i will be sleeping alone for 3 nites.

Friday, August 7, 2009

fireworks in heart

the day has almost arrived

today is 070809. wow canteknye date. basically today got not much to do la. nak kemas2 umah. mum dh bising suruh i duk diam2. pok pek pok pek je. pengantin ni bising je. haha.. sorry i nervous la. ni pun belum mandi lagi. insya-Allah wishing semuanye berjalan dengan lancar. actually i got not much to say coz i feel a lot of things. i cant describe. but i feel more tenang today. guess so the marriage itself gives a lot n huge meaning in anyone's life. marriage means changing to become a better person. whusshh! dam dam dim dum. la la la la.

tomoro's acara.
mula2 tuka baju dulu, pastu rest then get ready for nikah. then berinai. next day bersanding. well haa bnyknye event. pening kepala gue. hehehe..

yang-> if u ever read this, gud luck and all the best. honey loves u so much. cant wait to built my life with you. miss you lots. =)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

leave counting

i am starting my leave today til 19/8. for marriage. wow! a year has almost here as this time around last year i was bz preparing for engaging. now married. phew! i am so nervous. i can't describe the feelings i had at the moment. tadi siang dh setel kan barang2 hantaran. alhamdulillah basically settle. dh bagi to my sis. she will start doing the gubahan for the hantaran. yesterday nite parent-in-law going to be came over to discus the last minute agenda on our kenduri. n many stories being shared while they were around. i seperti biase tak tentu arah. last2 duk blakang kaca duk kat tangga. pastu mum ade ckp psl i ni suke melawan. 1 kite ckp 10 die jwb. aduih! kene sepak lak kejap. malu i k. bnyknye lagi i duk ulang alik gi dapur. uisshh i dh ngantuk ni. esok bnyk programe lagi. i nk kena rest ni. bangun awal tido awal. that's great. tadi dh confirm ngan khemah. they wil pasang tomoro that means thursday la. =)

~ saat-saat akhir sebelum bergelar seorang isteri ~

Monday, August 3, 2009

wedding card

~my precious and sweet design of wedding card. combination of both of our hearts.~

the week before my big day

only God knows how i feel now. oh gosh! basically excited n nervous. last nite my family had a small gathering to have a small kenduri tahlil for semua arwah n muslimin muslimat. then time for discussion for my wedding arrangement. basically the schedule of duty to be distributed. and some things to be arranged. on my part i got few things to ask mak andam. n pakcik husin as well. i already got it down on my list in the wedding book.

today at ofis, the ladies of my ofis been talking of the first nite and wow! i suddenly rasa takut. haha.. yang nak gigit u. yang.. suddenly that day i rasa cam malu gile nk jumpe u. ntah pape la i ni.

yang.. sekarang ni mmg cpt gile nak rasa tension on this preparation la. why ar? aduihh.. sumer orang saje je nak cari pasal. dr dad to mum to sis to bro. mmg betul orang ckp. time lagi dekat nak kawin ni stressed die gile babs. ok. *uuppss* sebbaik tak ckp full. btw further more. org nk mintak tlg tu pun takleh. susah la cam ni. aduishh.. i lagi bnyk benda nak pk. ye la pastu baru skrang teringat time sis kawin dulu mmg camni la agaknye ye. kelam kabut. semua benda nak pk. i juz wish that the ceremony berjalan ngan lancar and selamat. yang penting tu akad nikah tu la. documents must be ready in hand so it will be easier on that nite.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

welcome august

well.. august month is here. today is 1st august. oh gosh.. next saturday is my big event in my life. sooo nervous. i have no specific words to say. just wishing that the ceremony berjalan dgn lancar + selamat. Aminn.