Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 3, 2009

the week before my big day

only God knows how i feel now. oh gosh! basically excited n nervous. last nite my family had a small gathering to have a small kenduri tahlil for semua arwah n muslimin muslimat. then time for discussion for my wedding arrangement. basically the schedule of duty to be distributed. and some things to be arranged. on my part i got few things to ask mak andam. n pakcik husin as well. i already got it down on my list in the wedding book.

today at ofis, the ladies of my ofis been talking of the first nite and wow! i suddenly rasa takut. haha.. yang nak gigit u. yang.. suddenly that day i rasa cam malu gile nk jumpe u. ntah pape la i ni.

yang.. sekarang ni mmg cpt gile nak rasa tension on this preparation la. why ar? aduihh.. sumer orang saje je nak cari pasal. dr dad to mum to sis to bro. mmg betul orang ckp. time lagi dekat nak kawin ni stressed die gile babs. ok. *uuppss* sebbaik tak ckp full. btw further more. org nk mintak tlg tu pun takleh. susah la cam ni. aduishh.. i lagi bnyk benda nak pk. ye la pastu baru skrang teringat time sis kawin dulu mmg camni la agaknye ye. kelam kabut. semua benda nak pk. i juz wish that the ceremony berjalan ngan lancar and selamat. yang penting tu akad nikah tu la. documents must be ready in hand so it will be easier on that nite.

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