Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

leave counting

i am starting my leave today til 19/8. for marriage. wow! a year has almost here as this time around last year i was bz preparing for engaging. now married. phew! i am so nervous. i can't describe the feelings i had at the moment. tadi siang dh setel kan barang2 hantaran. alhamdulillah basically settle. dh bagi to my sis. she will start doing the gubahan for the hantaran. yesterday nite parent-in-law going to be came over to discus the last minute agenda on our kenduri. n many stories being shared while they were around. i seperti biase tak tentu arah. last2 duk blakang kaca duk kat tangga. pastu mum ade ckp psl i ni suke melawan. 1 kite ckp 10 die jwb. aduih! kene sepak lak kejap. malu i k. bnyknye lagi i duk ulang alik gi dapur. uisshh i dh ngantuk ni. esok bnyk programe lagi. i nk kena rest ni. bangun awal tido awal. that's great. tadi dh confirm ngan khemah. they wil pasang tomoro that means thursday la. =)

~ saat-saat akhir sebelum bergelar seorang isteri ~

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