Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 7, 2009

the day has almost arrived

today is 070809. wow canteknye date. basically today got not much to do la. nak kemas2 umah. mum dh bising suruh i duk diam2. pok pek pok pek je. pengantin ni bising je. haha.. sorry i nervous la. ni pun belum mandi lagi. insya-Allah wishing semuanye berjalan dengan lancar. actually i got not much to say coz i feel a lot of things. i cant describe. but i feel more tenang today. guess so the marriage itself gives a lot n huge meaning in anyone's life. marriage means changing to become a better person. whusshh! dam dam dim dum. la la la la.

tomoro's acara.
mula2 tuka baju dulu, pastu rest then get ready for nikah. then berinai. next day bersanding. well haa bnyknye event. pening kepala gue. hehehe..

yang-> if u ever read this, gud luck and all the best. honey loves u so much. cant wait to built my life with you. miss you lots. =)

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