Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 1, 2010

1st february

holla. eventhough it is already in the month of february, but we are stil in the year of 2010. syian blog i ni. dh lame tak mengupdate kan stories of my life kan. and for the past years i tak pernah terlepas to post a BIG new year's year like d above. dh lambat sket tapi ape salahnye kan. hehe.

begininng of year 2010 gives a lot of changes to me. i am now married and pregnant, i've changed job, i got myself a vivalicious, n lots more. and insya-Allah praying that sumer yang happened akan mematangkan myself in terms of thinking and bringing up of myself.

new year's eve i thought of juz jalan2 tgk fireworks but hubby got ideas planned with frens to go karaoke. so i accompanied him along. i am really happy to look at him happy enjoying himself with frens. at first ingat malas ikut tapi takpela.. teman la hubby i yang chommel n syg tu.

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