Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, March 19, 2010

i'm on leave

i took one day off today coz i need to clear my last year's leave b4 it gets forfeited. and i am now at mum's house. coz hubby is attending a 3 days course at kelumpang. ever heard of that place b4? well my cousins granma lives there. my mum's sis in law. been there once but it was a very long time ago. haha.. dh tak ingat pun ape ade kat sane. tapi mmg bnyk la pokok2 and dusun2. more to eco friendly living. tp hubby's coverage were pretty bad. anyway hope he is having so much fun there. plus relaxing. yes i know he is working there tapi stil cam holiday la sbb kat tmpt yang jauh dr kl. skang ni duk umah mum sis is around with her 3 kids. mcm2 perangai. tapi ye la i bukannye bole angkat sgt. mlm tadi siap ade scene yg menyebabkan benjol kat tangga. fay nangis punye la kuat. pastu radhi kene puk kat totot die. riyadh tgh main2 ngan tok mak. my sis kak yan at her house. berpantang. her baby so far alhamdulillah.

last week saturday is my baby's check up day. i was nervous as usual. my weight gained like 5 kg. hehe.. baby alhamdulillah sihat. dpt tgk die punye tulang belakang. bile tgk baby dlm tummy kan time tu my mind suddenly blank pk juz bout d baby. so miracle. dgn ciptaan tuhan. kaki i bengkak sket. doctor suruh i monitor this three things. tp alhamdulillah ok. maybe sebab dudk lame as mum said kaki berjuntai. so i mmg kene bnyk jln.n masa duduk kene angkat kaki letak atas kotak. i nye sakit butt dh bnyk kurang. ade jgk la sengal2 kengkadang. skang hubby almost every nite sapu minyak gamat kat kaki i. thanx a lot dear. pastu die ckp ingt tak dulu i penah ckp yang i akan jaga u betul2 bile dh kawin. hhmm... =) yes i do. i ingat tu. thanx.

last weekend tak tido umah parent. we tido umah sendiri.sunday morning bfast hubby wat kan jemput2 ikan bilis. die nk tunjuk kat i the kepekatan of the bancuhan sbb i nye cam lembik sket. lunch i masak nasi+sardine+telur dadar. malam tapau lauk. kitorang kemas umah especially hall tu. semak sgt. bilik tak touch sgt. i simpan baju dlm almari. tuka cadar. n lap2 sket mana yang habuk. petang baru mandi. siap syampu. pastu be prepared to sleep sbb monday dh keje. issh... isshh cam baru je monday ni dh nak monday balik.

tues ari tu hubby ade inteviu kat tm. wish him all the best and gud luck. pray to God that hubby's career path is on the right track.

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