Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3rd day of the month

i was pretty busy since monday. yes it is closing for month end. but bcoz this month we already started using the new accounting system. bnyk lak plak cite die. dgn on monday my team tak ckup 2 org. then system tu plak orang IT lupe nk upload. then baru tau kene separate bank transactions and bukan bank. then satu hari only one master file to be sent. and must be sent b4 12noon. kalo after they will take it to the next day's transactions already. aiyohh..a bit mah-fun. then yesterday, the system was down. so we finally managed to get our fin statement almost 5pm. dh nk balik time tu. so last2 today la baru nk solve. pastu pk2 rupe2nye ade error and ade figure yg kitorang report cam tak make sense. i dh pening camne nak wat analytical review ni. aduishh..last2 mmg kene pk ngan bos. tapi bile dh jumpe finally dpt the revised fin statement and this time i managed to do the review myself. b4 balik dh brief bos sket about that. maybe tomoro will discuss with him on my findings. hopefuly he will be satisfied with my review before reporting it to the MD. then month end is done.

next task is on the TAX computation. alamak.. sendiri punye kene wat n company pun partially kene wat. aku dh pening. td dh buka last's year punye file. tapi tak jpe lagi. nnt la. esok baru pk. skrang kat umah ni. baru dinner. nasi n sayur je. husband keje. hope he is doing fine.

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