Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

nite thoughts

it is soon to be 12 midnite. im done with isya' prayer. alhamdulillah. i'm done ironing hubby's shirt. done with kitchen, done with the laundry so i was juz thinking of stopping by at my blog juz to blog a few lines b4 i make it for the day.

well, as for work.. it is month end and it is usual for accounts people to be quite bz and hectic through out this few days. but alhamdulillah managed to settle it. juz tomoro i got few more batches to be uploaded into the accounting system. hopefully it is done right. others are practically in place except for a few changes that the group finance has come out with the payment system. basically the things can be done pretty easy but bcoz of standardization so it is a bit complicated but no worries as i'm sure there are shortcuts to the new intervention so that it wont take up much time if compared to previous system.

this afternon while having lunch, i surveyed some cute lil thing for my lil baby. thought of sharing it at home with hubby and today hubby is a lil bit penat so i guess when the right timing comes we'll then share the things. i am now 26 weeks. which left like 10-12 weeks b4 my due date. banyak2 berdoa that i can deliver normal and selamat. baby skang kat dlm tummy mummy die pun dh bnyk gerak2. semlm i terasa ngilu+geli yg amat sgt. haa.. tgk die tgh timbul2. tau mummy die tgh blog psl die eh. hehehe.... syg baby and daddy very much. i got the check-up this
weekend. nervous plak rasanye. hehe...

hmm.. oklah baby mummy nk sleep ni. owh btw, today mummy cooked western la. spagethi. first western meal bile mummy dh kawin ngan daddy. hehehe.. hope he liked it.. k la.. till then. nite baby. nite hubby. adios~

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