Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 28, 2010

2 months old

Happy Birthday to my son!

Alhamdulillah dah 2 bulan dah busyuk mummy ni. semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki. semoga bahagia dan sihat hendaknya. Amin. love u dear!


I may not be smart
I may not be brilliant
I may not be pretty
I may not be wonderful
I may not have the same figure as before
I may not be fun
But for sure I am happy as Chitom dear is around

Thursday, August 26, 2010

i'm alone

well..no la.. sbb chitom ade. juz reading thru my previous posts. mmg bnyk time i tinggal sengsorang kan. sbb husband sy sibuk. takpela.. i paham.. tapi takpe baby ade teman mummy die. b4 this die dlm perut skang dh ade atas katil. hehe..

split identity

out of d blue nape itu menjadi topic ku. haha.. saje je.. some ppl may have different personalities depending on d situation. some memang originally mcm tu. ape2 pun biarkan mereka dan keluarga mereka. sbb mereka tak kaco saye. i am now blogging while watching news. bnyk btul news yang pelik2. hari tu time pantang almost 3 weeks tak tgk news. bnyk tido and berehat je sebelah baby. sayang baby saya sangat2. pasal chitom mummy suka.. tgk dia sorang can heal watever unhappiness inside my heart.

buka puasa @ mid valley

that was yesterday. today i makan kat umah je sengsorang. chitom tido. i cooked daging goreng. tapi makan awal. around 6.30 sbb i sudah lapar.

back to semlm nye cite. we went to mid valley to buka puasa. round2 semua tmpt full house booked. lastly buka kat delicious. chitom pun ikut. guna his stroller.we also bought his car seat. wow.. skrang dah ade complete set. so lps ni kalo mummy nak gi jalan2 dh bole la. thinking of going alone wif chitom maybe tunggu die besar sket. hehe.. semalam pun officially gune baby room. pastu ade ke patut i tanye staf mana baby room bole ckp sorry la sy lupa. sy staf baru. haha.. takde initiative. try la tnye colleague lain ke ape ke kan..

oklah..nk upload photo. bye!

Monday, August 23, 2010

ku bahagia

kini ku bahagia.. teng..teng..teng..was juz downloading few songs which keep on appearing in my head that makes me sing in my heart. feeling so happy and peaceful. i am glad and thankful first of all to Allah.. that i am now stil breathing. my baby is also doing fine. my husband is also fine and my family as well. i dh lama tak rasa camni.for this few days wow the feelings is so unexpressable.. but it shows on my face. guess so. haha.. =)

chitom has juz sleep. chommel sgt. juz a bit worried with his flame but ppl said mum's milk is the best cure. will try and insyaAlah feed chitom til at least 2 years old. love him so much. pagi petang siang malam tengok muka chitom makes mummy so happy. =)

okaylah.. nak wat coffee for my husband jap. nnt i sambung balik ye.

i'm back. make a cup of milk for myself as well. eh.eh..mummy dgr lagu raya yaay nak raya yaay yaay..eh eh..mummy plak yang excited lebey. hehe..

Friday, August 20, 2010

rhythm to chitom

lalala...lalala..suka la.. nyanyi nyanyi untuk chitom.. shayang chitom..lalala..lalala..

chitom can:

toleh kanan
toleh kiri
tengok atas
tengok bawah
burp~ kuat..hahaha
die suka dancing.. kalo i nyanyi lagu barney or shake it all about mesti die suke..
lagi satu kalo urut perut die die sgt geli.. comel.. perut die ade mole. hehe.geramnye saya kat anak saya. rasa nak kunyah2. sape suka wat mulut no 8.

aiissh.. i think i can juz talk n talk n talk bout chitom.. hmm.. suka wat mummy daydream.. =)

baby zafran


~baby zafran~

a week at my house

1st of all. lupe nk ckp i sudah hbs pantang 44 days tapi up til now i ade like 1 week b4 i'm back to work =( hmm.. mulut dh no 8. like chitom. well.. i kena think positive. i kena work nak cari duit nnt chitom nk makan ape. how?

btw, i'm now a week at my own house. at first dad doesnt allowed. tp pastu i buat tak tau je. so pastu lps. yela.. maybe they worried. tp insya-Allah boleh.. lagi satu cian hubby i penat travel kalo i stay shah alam or klang. takpe la. so officially start duty as a fulltime housewife on tuesday. i pun start mandi kan chitom. letak besen atas meja makan. sbb my leg takleh nak bersila lagi. so the best way is letak atas meja tapi i takle angkat berat2. i letak dulu besen kosong. then isi air dlm gayung curah la dlm besen. bile nk buang air same gak gayanye..hehe.. mula2 nervouse tp lama2 ok. alhamdulillah chitom tak bnyk grak. juz the first day die cam nangis sket. sejuk ke ape..tak tau tapi bile dh sudah mandi owhh baru tau. rupa2nye die ngantuk. bagi puting then trus siapkan cpt2. pastu bg susu trus tido. then as usual mummy akan follow die tido. ptg chitom tak mandi sbb sejuk kat sini. cam duk kat genting la. wonder wat's the temperature kan. tapi mlm daddy dia tuka kan baju tido. hhmm.. happy n bahagia sgt jiwaku. ehchewah! haha..

buka pose..i masak la yang simple2. not that hard. start masak roughly dlm kul 5.30pm. bile buka i kengkadang tu mengalahkan orang yang pose.haha.. tak sabar rasanye nak raya. hari ni dh hari yang ke-10 umat Islam berpuasa. tggl lagi 20 hari je. i tak pose.. jenuh la nk ganti nnt. tp takpe.. 4 chitom... mummy will sacrifice.

oklah..till then.. owh lagi satu kan.. hari ni kan kitorang berdua bangun ya rabbi lambat gile. pkul 12 tgh hari. hahaha.. melampau tapi ye la.. chitom tak brape sleep last nite.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

i cried

i cried...

thinking of my past..

thinking of my future..

thinking of my precious chitom..

got not much to say..

glad that i am stil breathing until now..

may God bless me and my family..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

chitom 1st outing

where to? quality hotel. berbuka puasa. eventho mummy tak puasa. haha.. chitom tido kejap je kat dlm stroller kakak piah. pastu lain2 mata die celik. tgk bnyk lampu lip..lap..lip..lap.. hehe.. so chommel anak aku ni. i makan stil berwaspada jgk. takut effect chitom. btw, really enjoy the session. thanx.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

happy ramadhan

selamat berpuasa! walaupun i tak berapa digalakkan berpuasa tapi saja nak wish. first year celebrating with chitom. hehe.. happynye saya. btw, hari ni saya dah officially habis pantang. alhamdulillah. bole la makan sket2 ape yg dulu tak leh. tapi bile jaga makan kan rasa perut kurang nak sakit. badan best. nway chitom pun bf nnt syian die kalo i makan ntah pape.. die pun kena jgk. another update weight i dh kurang ke 49kg. hmm..tp makan bole tahan. mum ckp sbb baby bf kot. tu la psl.
tadi i dh setel registration cuti sem. dad teman. pastu gi beli nappy chitom. hehe.. daddy die tak balik tonite. esok baru balik. my parent ade jgk tanye tapi ntahla.. he knows himself better. kalo larat balik. kalo tak tak payah. tapi skrang yang constraint sgt tu tau ape.. $$ yup that's it. btw, next week ingat nk try stay klg lame for about a week. tgk dulu. if ok maybe 2 weeks. hehe..juz want some privacy wif daddy and chitom.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

mixture of feelings

i'm on d bed.chitom is next to me.looking at him sleeps reminds me of his dad.i juz want to b wif chitom.if can i want him to b wif me wherever i go.i hate tis feelings.hopefully it wil leave soon.gosh i'm feeling hungry at d same time.i also felt sleepy.i also felt i need to express my milk coz i'm starting to feel a bit pain but to leave chitom alone.i also feel that i miss my love.see..all of that is mixture of feelings. *wishing 4 a better tomoro* mummy love chitom.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

our 1st anniversary


alhamdulillah. 1st of all, i am very glad that we have been married for 1 yea. may more valuable years to come. now with chitom around bertambah bz la life saya. ehehehe.. now i am expressing my breast. tadi dh one side, skang one side lagi. nk dekat 8 oz. tp btul la kalo wat donno or i mean while surfing or reading lagi bnyk milk kuar. now expressing for storage. chitom still fully breastfeed with me. i am supporting those mommies who r breastfeeding their babies sbb susu ibu sgt berkhasiat. insya-Allah plan to bf chitom til 2 years. so i kena la be positive. ehehe.. bile stay kt umah sdiri chitom minum my milk from bottle kalo i'm at home i bf la chitom mummy yg chommel tu. pipi gebu. ala..la..la..tomei..tomei..geram nak gigit pipi die yg labuh tu. manja sgt.

yesterday, went for a movie with husband. adoi..dlm pantang tu lagi tapi dh 40 days. ahaha..tgk cite salt. tp take precautious steps jgk la. pkai socks. makan dulu. bawak cardigan. standby takut sejuk. pastu halfway teringat chitom. pastu gi minum jap teman hubby haa.. bantai nangis lak ingat chito. aii.. kalo dh keje camne ni? ingat chitom.. hahaha.. comel la mummy ni.

klah nnt i sambung..nk bfast. adios!

Monday, August 2, 2010


....................haishh.................camne ek?......................................................................................................
chitom..help mummy...

al-fatihah to my clasmate

my ex-clasmate passed away due to accident. OU. that's wat we called him back days at college. dulu time nk balik msia from dublin together la ngan die skali. masa tu i sorang girl. kemain jaga lagi. ye la kat tmpt orang. takut ape2 jd. tak sangka ok. pagi tadi hajar called ckp die meninggal. eh biar betul. ingat sakit ke. tapi accident. salam takziah to his family. i tanye mus then mus tekejut trus nangis. mus ckp baru ingt nak jupe die. hmm.. dh ajal sumone tu. kite takleh nak ckp ape kan. ape2 pun semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. amin.


kita skrang dh di bulan lapan or august or ogos or agusto.. tggl lagi 4 bulan je b4 new year. pejam celik bangun tido makan minum mandi jalan2 bengang menyampah benci tak suke then dh smp la hari ni. today i sudah berpantang lebih kurang 35 days. i ade lebih kurang 30 days lagi b4 naik keje. hhmm.. mcm mane nk cope nnt is another thing to think. risau psl chitom. takpela.. selagi blum hbs cuti let me enjoy sepuas2 hati time cuti. balun la tido ckup2. tp asik tido je lenguh tau bontot. kalo ckp ngan chitom totot. haha..

last saturday chitom kena pegi injet for 1st month jab. hhm.. syian die nangis smp kejat. mesti sakit sgt. darah pun kuar sket. tgk rs nk nangis. pastu die that day meragam. tido nk kat pangku. tapi lucky bagi susu die nk minum. kembong pun ade sket. aishh mcm eja ikan kembong plak. i risau parents lak kat jakarta. tau la parent in law ade tp i stil nk my mum. masa ckp fon ngan my mum rasa nak nangis sgt smp suara dh shaky. tp i manage to control tak nak die kat sane worried. i kena bnyk sabar, bnyk doa so baby i sihat. i check his temperature worried kalo die demam tp alhamdulillah takde. smp next day die okay sket. dh berak bnyk. bole main sket2. dh senyum & ketawa blk. syg chitom so much.

semalam i gi shopping ngan husband. die belanja baju i n chitom. i rasa guilty tau sbb die gune duit die to spend. i kno it is limited. i tak mintak pun as long ckup untuk die lepaskan diri sendiri pun dh enuf. i was thinking tomoro to ask him to stay at klg lame. i worried his health. i'm fine. i bukannye kat umah org lain. kat umah mak mertua kan. umah mak die. umah my mum pun dekat aje. anytime parent bole dtg tgk i ngan chitom. biarla.. i dgn feelings i.

mlm tadi i ade tanye kat die sumthing tapi die ckp i mengarut. siang tadi i tanye tp.. biarla feelings i. juz another feelings yg i rasa takde pape. haiisshh..

nway back to chitom die hari ni tido sekejap2 je. apsal ar? dh hisap susu dh ganti pampers. ke kene bungkus balik. tp cian die. skang tgh panas kalo bungkus rimas plak die. die nk main. lucky ade mum in law. bole tlg tgkkan. ni pun i curi2 time nk blog.

skang ni husband i ade pasang his songs collections. hmm.. which some of the songs i like. n knowing him sume lagu yang die download tu mesti ade kena mengena ngan life die. that's how he expressed his feelings. i tau besides that die mesti la suka kat lagu/lyric/singer tu itself.

okaylah. nk tgk chitom jap. cayang chitom pipi gebu so much!