Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 23, 2010

ku bahagia

kini ku bahagia.. teng..teng..teng..was juz downloading few songs which keep on appearing in my head that makes me sing in my heart. feeling so happy and peaceful. i am glad and thankful first of all to Allah.. that i am now stil breathing. my baby is also doing fine. my husband is also fine and my family as well. i dh lama tak rasa camni.for this few days wow the feelings is so unexpressable.. but it shows on my face. guess so. haha.. =)

chitom has juz sleep. chommel sgt. juz a bit worried with his flame but ppl said mum's milk is the best cure. will try and insyaAlah feed chitom til at least 2 years old. love him so much. pagi petang siang malam tengok muka chitom makes mummy so happy. =)

okaylah.. nak wat coffee for my husband jap. nnt i sambung balik ye.

i'm back. make a cup of milk for myself as well. eh.eh..mummy dgr lagu raya yaay nak raya yaay yaay..eh eh..mummy plak yang excited lebey. hehe..

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