Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 8, 2010

our 1st anniversary


alhamdulillah. 1st of all, i am very glad that we have been married for 1 yea. may more valuable years to come. now with chitom around bertambah bz la life saya. ehehehe.. now i am expressing my breast. tadi dh one side, skang one side lagi. nk dekat 8 oz. tp btul la kalo wat donno or i mean while surfing or reading lagi bnyk milk kuar. now expressing for storage. chitom still fully breastfeed with me. i am supporting those mommies who r breastfeeding their babies sbb susu ibu sgt berkhasiat. insya-Allah plan to bf chitom til 2 years. so i kena la be positive. ehehe.. bile stay kt umah sdiri chitom minum my milk from bottle kalo i'm at home i bf la chitom mummy yg chommel tu. pipi gebu. ala..la..la..tomei..tomei..geram nak gigit pipi die yg labuh tu. manja sgt.

yesterday, went for a movie with husband. adoi..dlm pantang tu lagi tapi dh 40 days. ahaha..tgk cite salt. tp take precautious steps jgk la. pkai socks. makan dulu. bawak cardigan. standby takut sejuk. pastu halfway teringat chitom. pastu gi minum jap teman hubby haa.. bantai nangis lak ingat chito. aii.. kalo dh keje camne ni? ingat chitom.. hahaha.. comel la mummy ni.

klah nnt i sambung..nk bfast. adios!

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