Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 28, 2011

1 year 4 months

Alhamdulillah. Now my son zafran is already 1 year 4 months old. Kjap je time passes by. Die skang dh pandai jalan. Sibuk jalan sana jalan sini. Sumtimes tu kemain action n busy lg die. But if we tried to kejar him he will try to walk as fadt as he could. Sort of like running. Comel je. Steps yg die amik so cute. Kecik tp penat k nk kejar. Hahaha... Manja mummy ni. Geram je ngan pipi die.. Gigit kang baru tau. Nnt i post pic of him tgh walking. N now his fav is "ball" aritu die sebut "laa" short form for bola. Tp its better if we teach him to talk in full instead of pelat2.. So i thought him ball instead. Hehe comel. Love u.

K la.. Mummy menyibuk je kat seblh die tgh sleep ni. Saje nk type type b4 siap2 pg keja. Till then time to bfast. Sayonara!!

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