Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 8, 2011

dinner at a very late time

Still at d hospital. My hubby went to pick up his bro n then tapau my dinner. Tp coz timing prob at d stall he came back to us at about 12 like that. I lapik perut td with hot milo n coco bread je. Tu pun dh lapar. But bcoz i mengantuk sgt i tido dulu n now br bgn mkn plus tukar nappy anak saya. Sian hubby saya. Mesti penat ulang alik turun naik turun naik. Love him so much!! He is my hero n kichi is hero jgk. Hero pipi!! Hehehe.. May god bless both of my beloved heroes.

Latest update, temperature machitom dh normal blk.. Tido cam biasa. Lasak.. Tp overall alhamdulillah!!!!

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