Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 15, 2011

bile cakap n bile tak ckp

Tgh rs benda wierd or was it juz my feelings. Lately bile i ckp mcm semua tak best. Informing of new humps pun i kena blk "ape best nye?" i was like e eh... I was juz sharing ape yg i nmpk kan. Pastu when nk talk bout mum bnyk angguk or geleng or diam. N bnyk lain2 diam. Ade jgk trying to manja2 tp cam no response. Hmm.. Might be die stress la kot. Biarla... I layan blog sorang2 lagi bagus.

Juz had ice cream. Dh lama tak mkn ice cream. Rs sgt cooling n mententeramkan jiwa. Dh la mmg tgh pressure pun. Sumtimes bile kena camni lagi baik takyah ckp ngan sape2. Diam je n bnyk talk to God. Much better.

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