Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Zafran's sports day

Weehoo!! My kids were sooooo excited especially adik. She gets to follow from morning coz i am the chief judge. Kemain mummy. Apa2 pun. Thanks to the teachers. Well, the mornin were quite hectic coz both daddy and son forgot their water bottle, so after they left, cpt2 siap with adik, then gerak. Tp jammed la plak. Maybe sbb hujan kot. Send to daddy first then only to bam. Sampai school je bam nangis sbb dia ckp air dia tertinggal. I said i already gave to his teacher. Then terus masuk class. Hopefully time tu mood dia dah ok kan. Hehehe..

Ceremony starts at 8.45 dgn perbarisan rumah sukan. Alaa.. Comelnya.. Budak kecik kiut. Ada tercepat, ada terlambat. Pastu senamrobik plak. Then only sukaneka. Watch anak i marched and sports terer la jgk. Kurus tinggi je comel. Dgn props dia. Cute sgt. Adik spt biasa nyanyi2, joget2 lari sana sini, excited. Anyway son ,hopefully u enjoyed your preschool sports day. Moga menjadi anak yg soleh. Ameen!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sometimes u feel like talking tapi it seems like no one is suitable to talk to

Have u ever feel that? Weird kan. Nak ckp tapi tak jumpa anyone yg suitable to talk to. So lebih baik kita diam je. Dari ckp something yg kita rs mcm not interesting. Hurmm... Tu semua maybe part of negative emotions. Yupss its true. Tapi sometimes we have to have the negative part sket. Not overcome the good side. Well, i was like got a bit of headache. Or uncomfortableness on my left shoulder. Painful and annoying. Applied ointment already. Hopefully getting btter aite. Love myself soo much. Before we love anybody else, we must love ourselves first. When our body feel nice, baru boleh love anybody else. My cough and flu nak recover dah. Alhamdulillah.

Jalan2 seharian to Sg Besar

After breakfast nasi goreng which husband made for us, we alls pun siap2 la. Husband said boring dok umah. Mcm tak sihat je. So he wanna go jalan2 to north bound coz south bound dah haritu. Off we go together with MIL and kids. Happy je diorang. Before gi tu adik was like nak yak tp saiko her ckp if tak yak kita semua yah pg jalan. Tp ended up takde sbb dh tggu almost 15min. Last2 we all siapkan je dia. Ngengada ni. Gigit br tau. Smp area sg besar we stop bY at cendol atok warong. At first ingt got la any other food tp only western. Luckily it is delicious compared to the one we had in klg before. Pedas je. Ni sos dia beedap to towards the end tu dh kenyang. Mcm chicken dia bnyk and i cant finish. So husband yg finishkan. Kids got fries for them. Then we went off to the homestay husband is looking for. Smp jgk. Location is parit 6 1/2, sg besar. The house is nice tepi sawah padi je tp now not the time yet so pokok padi dah habis harvest. Nmpk.kering kontang je. But location tu ok la. Nk tido semlm.boleh la. Dulu i cant remember whether we pernah stay overnite kt kampung abah tak tapo everytime raya mesti ada balik sana. And bila balik, mesti smp pagi. Cooling smp ngantok nk tido je mata. Dad of course mmg akan tido punya lah. Hehehe... Kampung dia kan. Tp bila lalu semlm i cam takleh nak recall sgt la area dia. Nnt kena tanye my dad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Posting in the petang

Kids dah setel mandi. Zara today shantek sangat. Siap dandan rambut lagi. Rambut elsa katanya. Love u dotter! Hope u r happy when mummy not working looking after u from morning till u sleep. Hurmm.. Looking at her. Dah nak pg school dah katanya. I was like alaaaa cptnya time dia membesar. Tak puas lg rasanya. Ni la yg nk nangis ni. She herself wants to go to school. I kalo boleh mmg taknak send lagi. Biar she become baby baby baby. Si comel i ni. Siapa nak ikut i jln2 bfast mkn roti canai n tosai nnt. Hurmm.. :( nak kapuk.

This morning bwk zara gi jln2 cari baju for her flowergirl. Takde pun yg sesuai. Esok nk survey kt tmpt lain plak. Hopefully ada la kan. If nk beli online, takot size tak matching nnt. Hurmm.. See what daddy got to say about it. Sambil tu kita dua org makan pop corn td. Tp x sesesap garret or tgv nya. Dia bnyk color putih. Caramels sweets tu tak bnyk. Tp bolehlah nak buat rasa kids mkn. Only for rm1.50. Bought abang's one also. Dia dpt2 trus mkn dh hbs pun. Love abang as well.

Lately banyak i tgk mummy2 lain yg not working or sahm like me. Ckp they dont have much cash tp they make sure they have time for their kids. Tu tg rs a bit sebak terharu n mcm2 lagi. Inshallah kita just work hard and the rest leave it to Him. Ameen!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

I am officially extra tired today

Well, sooo not me. Complaining bout being soo tired like i am the only one yg tired. Yess it's true. I am not complaining to others, just expressing it out from my mind in my own blog. Biarlah.. Hahaha.. Teringat lagu nidji, biarlah.. Lalalalalalaa... Well, few updates from me after about 2 weeks tak update pape. This morning went to get my slippers and pants at home. Coz slippers dah putus and seluar dah koyak. Husband said must buy by today. Happy dpt slipper flipper baru. Yaay! Boleh buat pg jln2 jgk. Or even to market. Anyway, after that helping MIL cook chicken rice. Sbb today got mini tahlil for late FIL. Sometimes i have this thoughts kan, i kena join ke. Because i always hear adik beradik. Adik beradik. I am not adik beradik. I newcomer. Sooo disitu timbul keraguan. Should join or not. Tp td lps dinner kids + myself, rasa flat sgt. Dgn pinggang yg lenguh. Tak beedap. Nk mintak husband sapu minyak mcm hurmm i skrang rasa takyah nak susahkan dia. Biar i sorang2 je rasa ni. Selagi i boleh buat sendiri, malas nak be dependant to others. Hurmm.. :/

Enough of feelings yg sooo pelikss itu. After that, we kemas2 our room. Changed our curtain, bedsheet and it looks sooo cosy. Sooo comfy. Wangi amd cantik. Sukaa la.color pun mcm royal english. Gold bunga2. Hehehehe...

Happy Malaysia Day

It was two days ago. Alhamdulillah county we lived in still lives in harmony and peace. I am not sure how many years already. But dah 50++ rasanya.

It was also a school break for the kids. One week je. Before the last semester or the last section of the year before the school ends. Hurmm.. Cpt je time tu jalan. Kdg2 pk apa benda yg cpt sgt ni. Risau ai..

Saturday, September 3, 2016

letter for husband

dear husband,
i know lately, u've fall sick. not feeling well. your body seems not quite right. nose stuck, body aches, headaches. and yes i know u still love us. thanx for still loving us. seeing u like this, looking at u working hard alone to get our small family a better quality of life, to settled down with our own square is not easy. kdg2 i have those "thoughts" yang btol ke my decision to quit working now? where u really need that extra cash to do many things. at least i could free u up for some expenditure whereby u no need to get headache at. tapi when look back at son/daughter i feel kesian. kesian at them. mcm sooo not fair world ni. tp that is true. mg wish pun if i could help u up sket in economy level of our family.
the other day, when u got mad, u said no point i stay at home. kids become naughty,could not listen to instructions, jumping here and there or "spoilt" i was soooo sad. if that is the case, i am a bad mummy. sbb anak i spoilt. jahat. say bad things. better i work help daddy generate income. kids tggl dgn maid. it touches my heart even until now. tak nangis je depan daddy. if i do, malu. pastu kena kiss. hehehehe...

New Month ~ last month in quarter 3

alhamdulillah. stil recovering from sick. almost a week my whole family tak sihat. starts with daddy first, then bam, then me and daughter. lemik kitorang dibuatnya.tergolek weolls. mesti ada hikmah disebaliknya. i dlm2 tak sihat ni, at times my emotions a bit not stabilise. the other day, i was sad coz my son is growing big already. nnt nak lagi ke hug2, peluk2, manja2 ngan mummy. well... bila pk balik, tu semua are just going to be memories for us to go through our old times. pastu tak jadi cry. sambung tido. hurmm.. mmg laa..hati kita kena berpegang pada yang satu. yang kekal itu. semestinya TUHAN. dah bnyk proves it gave, mmg tu lah penguat semangat kita. i pun everyday trying to become a good muslimah. nak perform 5 prayers satu hari pun kdg2 tu tak complete. umur dah makin bnyk. kita kena improve mummy. inshaallah we can.