Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 26, 2016

Sometimes u feel like talking tapi it seems like no one is suitable to talk to

Have u ever feel that? Weird kan. Nak ckp tapi tak jumpa anyone yg suitable to talk to. So lebih baik kita diam je. Dari ckp something yg kita rs mcm not interesting. Hurmm... Tu semua maybe part of negative emotions. Yupss its true. Tapi sometimes we have to have the negative part sket. Not overcome the good side. Well, i was like got a bit of headache. Or uncomfortableness on my left shoulder. Painful and annoying. Applied ointment already. Hopefully getting btter aite. Love myself soo much. Before we love anybody else, we must love ourselves first. When our body feel nice, baru boleh love anybody else. My cough and flu nak recover dah. Alhamdulillah.

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