Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 26, 2016

Jalan2 seharian to Sg Besar

After breakfast nasi goreng which husband made for us, we alls pun siap2 la. Husband said boring dok umah. Mcm tak sihat je. So he wanna go jalan2 to north bound coz south bound dah haritu. Off we go together with MIL and kids. Happy je diorang. Before gi tu adik was like nak yak tp saiko her ckp if tak yak kita semua yah pg jalan. Tp ended up takde sbb dh tggu almost 15min. Last2 we all siapkan je dia. Ngengada ni. Gigit br tau. Smp area sg besar we stop bY at cendol atok warong. At first ingt got la any other food tp only western. Luckily it is delicious compared to the one we had in klg before. Pedas je. Ni sos dia beedap to towards the end tu dh kenyang. Mcm chicken dia bnyk and i cant finish. So husband yg finishkan. Kids got fries for them. Then we went off to the homestay husband is looking for. Smp jgk. Location is parit 6 1/2, sg besar. The house is nice tepi sawah padi je tp now not the time yet so pokok padi dah habis harvest. Nmpk.kering kontang je. But location tu ok la. Nk tido semlm.boleh la. Dulu i cant remember whether we pernah stay overnite kt kampung abah tak tapo everytime raya mesti ada balik sana. And bila balik, mesti smp pagi. Cooling smp ngantok nk tido je mata. Dad of course mmg akan tido punya lah. Hehehe... Kampung dia kan. Tp bila lalu semlm i cam takleh nak recall sgt la area dia. Nnt kena tanye my dad.

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