Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Zafran's sports day

Weehoo!! My kids were sooooo excited especially adik. She gets to follow from morning coz i am the chief judge. Kemain mummy. Apa2 pun. Thanks to the teachers. Well, the mornin were quite hectic coz both daddy and son forgot their water bottle, so after they left, cpt2 siap with adik, then gerak. Tp jammed la plak. Maybe sbb hujan kot. Send to daddy first then only to bam. Sampai school je bam nangis sbb dia ckp air dia tertinggal. I said i already gave to his teacher. Then terus masuk class. Hopefully time tu mood dia dah ok kan. Hehehe..

Ceremony starts at 8.45 dgn perbarisan rumah sukan. Alaa.. Comelnya.. Budak kecik kiut. Ada tercepat, ada terlambat. Pastu senamrobik plak. Then only sukaneka. Watch anak i marched and sports terer la jgk. Kurus tinggi je comel. Dgn props dia. Cute sgt. Adik spt biasa nyanyi2, joget2 lari sana sini, excited. Anyway son ,hopefully u enjoyed your preschool sports day. Moga menjadi anak yg soleh. Ameen!

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