Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 1, 2017

1st June 2017

Hahaha.. New month. Tetiba dotter tanya, mi, bday adik bila. So i started the countdown for her. Lagi 6 days. She counted happily pastu call daddy ckp she is going to be 5 soon. So daddy asked her what she wants. And here's what she says "lego, mainan pwincess and pooh bear my little pony. Pooh bear tu meaning soft toy lah. Cute sgt. Pastu gi depan tgk tv, bedebab jatuh from the truck. Tersangkut dulu baru jatuh. Apa lah adik ni.

Well ni dah 1st June. Hoping for better month this year. Love u olls. Much mucho.

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